The journal of Serbian Genetics Society "Genetika" (“Genetics“) was promoted as ACTA BIOLOGICA IUGOSLAVICA (ABI) Series F – GENETIKA. Dr. Janko Dumanović was appointed for the Editor in Chief. In the new international Editorial Committee took over editing of journal starting from Vol. 29, No.2, At same time Dr. Kosana Konstantinov was appointed as Editor in Chief. From vol. 40 Serbian Genetic Society is publisher of „Genetika“. Full papers published in „Genetika“ from 2002 to nowadays is available online ( as well as abstracts published from 1969 to Co-published by Maize Research Institute and Institute for Field and Vegetble Crops, Novi Sad. 40 YEARS OF JOURNAL “GENETIKA”
The number of paper published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
The number of paper published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
Animal genetic Plant genetic bioinformatic cytogenetic Evolutionary genetic genetic of microorganisms Quantitative genetic Medical gentic Molecular genetic mutageneis plant breeding general Population genetic The number of paper per topic published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
humanplantsanimalsmicroorganismsgeneral The number of paper per object published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
The number of paper per topic published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
total 1392 authors The number of author per paper published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
Total 350 institutions The number of institution in published papers of Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
The number of paper per country published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
BIHMontenegroCroatiaMacedoniaSloveniaSerbia x x x x The number of paper per country of former Yugoslavia published in Journal Genetika years of Journal GENETIKA
– Leading national journal all abstracts from 1969 to on line full paper from 2002 to nowdays online Doi evaulationThompson Reuters, Copernicus From vol.41, no1, 2009 on Science Citation index-Expanded. Improvements in editing of journal Genetika in period