Xin Chen, Baosen Cheng, Mousumi Datta, Haibo Li, Bruce Mellado and Sau Lan Wu University of Wisconsin-Madison BReco Meeting 07/08/04 Update on Searches for Charmed Pentaquarks in B 0 ->D ( * ) pp( )
BReco Meeting 07/08/042 Outline Reconstruction Modes and Pre-selection cuts (Beta code) Overview of pentaquark searches Invariant mass spectra Upcoming analyses Outlook and Plans
BReco Meeting 07/08/043 Reconstruction Modes B 0 decays involving D, proton, which may be used for charmed pentaquark searches 1. B 0 ->D*ppbar , D*->D 0 , D 0 ->K ,K3 ,K 0,K s 2. B 0 ->D ppbar , D ->K ,K 0,K s ,K s 0 3. B 0 ->D* 0 ppbar, D* 0 ->D 0 0, D 0 ->K ,K3 ,K 0,K s 4. B 0 ->D 0 ppbar, D 0 ->K ,K3 ,K 0,K s Xin Chen reports today on branching ratios for channels 1-4 with fb -1 of data (Run I-III) Here we report pentaquark searches and study of ppbar invariant mass spectra with fb -1 for decay channels 1-4 Most of recent efforts have gone to understanding better branching ratios extraction
BReco Meeting 07/08/044 Overview of Pentaquark Searches Same minimal quark content as in direct combination of channels 3-4 (cbaruuud) may be obtained with D* - (D - )p + in channels 1-2
BReco Meeting 07/08/045 Pre-Selection 1.Both Proton and anti-proton from pLhVeryLoose 2.K (D daughter) from KMicroNotPion 3. from GoodTracksVeryLoose 4. 0 from Pi0AllDefault 5.K s from KsDefault 6. (from B) from ChargeTracks 7.D 0 mass window: 40 MeV (70 MeV for decays with 0 ) 8.D mass window: 70 MeV 9.M ES >5.2 GeV and | E|<0.4 GeV 10.Vertex convergence for B 0, D 0 and D - candidates Cuts at Beta code level based on MC only
BReco Meeting 07/08/046 Final Cuts Subdivided into channel independent and channel dependent cuts Coupled to branching ratio extraction analysis Documented in BAD 916 (branching ratio extraction analysis) BAD 997 to be submitted today Continuation of BAD 916 Today’s talk by Xin Chen
BReco Meeting 07/08/047 Constrained Mass for Channels 1-2 D 0 ->K D 0 ->K3 D 0 ->K 0 D - ->K - + + Channel 1 (B 0 ->D* ppbar , D*->D 0 ) Channel 2 (B 0 ->D ppbar )
BReco Meeting 07/08/048 Constrained Mass for Channels 3-4 D 0 ->K D 0 ->K3 D 0 ->K 0 Channel 2 (B 0 ->D* 0 ppbar, D* 0 ->D 0 0 ) Channel 4 (B 0 ->D 0 ppbar) D 0 ->K
BReco Meeting 07/08/049 cduud (direct combination) Channel 1Channel 2
BReco Meeting 07/08/0410 cduud (indirect combination) Channel 1Channel 2
BReco Meeting 07/08/0411 cuuud (direct combination) Channel 3Channel 4
BReco Meeting 07/08/0412 cuuud (indirect combination) Channel 4Channel 3
BReco Meeting 07/08/0413 Dalitz for Chanels 3-4 Channel 3Channel 4
BReco Meeting 07/08/0414 cuuud (direct combination) Channel 1 Channel 2
BReco Meeting 07/08/0415 cuuud (indirect combination) Channel 1 Channel 2
BReco Meeting 07/08/0416 Upcoming Analyses Need to look more into D *0 (D 0 )p invariant mass spectra Exclusive decays (not observed before) B - ->D *0 ppbar - (plus c.c.) B - ->D 0 ppbar - (plus c.c.) Beta Ntuples have been generated. To be analyzed Hard for a 4 GeV resonance due to lack of phase space Inclusive analysis D* 0 p (plus c.c.) D 0 p (plus c.c.) Beta Ntuples have been generated. To be analyzed
BReco Meeting 07/08/0417 Outlook and Plans Search of a charmed pentaquark in B 0 ->D ( * ) ppbar( ) decays is reaching maturity BAD 916 v5 with details on branching ratio (for all 4 B decays) has been submitted Will submit BAD 997, continuation of BAD 916 with details of pentquark analysis In channels 1 and 2 Dp invariant mass spectra do not show significant deviation from phase-space hypothesis Channels 3 and 4 display differences between D0*barp (direct combination) and D0*p (indirect combination) invariant mass spectra, inconsistent with MC prediction Will start looking into Exclusive decays B - ->D *0 ppbar -, B - ->D 0 ppbar - (plus c.c.) Inclusive D* 0 p and D 0 p (plus c.c.)