Xin Chen, Baosen Cheng, Mousumi Datta, Haibo Li, Bruce Mellado and Sau Lan Wu University of Wisconsin-Madison BReco Meeting 07/08/04 Update on Searches.


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Presentation transcript:

Xin Chen, Baosen Cheng, Mousumi Datta, Haibo Li, Bruce Mellado and Sau Lan Wu University of Wisconsin-Madison BReco Meeting 07/08/04 Update on Searches for Charmed Pentaquarks in B 0 ->D ( * ) pp(  )

BReco Meeting 07/08/042 Outline Reconstruction Modes and Pre-selection cuts (Beta code) Overview of pentaquark searches Invariant mass spectra Upcoming analyses Outlook and Plans

BReco Meeting 07/08/043 Reconstruction Modes B 0 decays involving D, proton, which may be used for charmed pentaquark searches 1. B 0 ->D*ppbar , D*->D 0 , D 0 ->K ,K3 ,K  0,K s  2. B 0 ->D  ppbar , D  ->K ,K  0,K s ,K s  0 3. B 0 ->D* 0 ppbar, D* 0 ->D 0  0, D 0 ->K ,K3 ,K  0,K s  4. B 0 ->D 0 ppbar, D 0 ->K ,K3 ,K  0,K s  Xin Chen reports today on branching ratios for channels 1-4 with fb -1 of data (Run I-III) Here we report pentaquark searches and study of ppbar invariant mass spectra with fb -1 for decay channels 1-4 Most of recent efforts have gone to understanding better branching ratios extraction

BReco Meeting 07/08/044 Overview of Pentaquark Searches Same minimal quark content as in direct combination of channels 3-4 (cbaruuud) may be obtained with D* - (D - )p  + in channels 1-2

BReco Meeting 07/08/045 Pre-Selection 1.Both Proton and anti-proton from pLhVeryLoose 2.K (D daughter) from KMicroNotPion 3.  from GoodTracksVeryLoose 4.  0 from Pi0AllDefault 5.K s from KsDefault 6.  (from B) from ChargeTracks 7.D 0 mass window: 40 MeV (70 MeV for decays with  0 ) 8.D  mass window: 70 MeV 9.M ES >5.2 GeV and |  E|<0.4 GeV 10.Vertex convergence for B 0, D 0 and D - candidates Cuts at Beta code level based on MC only

BReco Meeting 07/08/046 Final Cuts Subdivided into channel independent and channel dependent cuts Coupled to branching ratio extraction analysis Documented in BAD 916 (branching ratio extraction analysis)  BAD 997 to be submitted today  Continuation of BAD 916 Today’s talk by Xin Chen

BReco Meeting 07/08/047 Constrained Mass for Channels 1-2 D 0 ->K  D 0 ->K3  D 0 ->K  0 D - ->K -  +  + Channel 1 (B 0 ->D*  ppbar , D*->D 0  ) Channel 2 (B 0 ->D  ppbar  )

BReco Meeting 07/08/048 Constrained Mass for Channels 3-4 D 0 ->K  D 0 ->K3  D 0 ->K  0 Channel 2 (B 0 ->D* 0 ppbar, D* 0 ->D 0  0 ) Channel 4 (B 0 ->D 0 ppbar) D 0 ->K 

BReco Meeting 07/08/049 cduud (direct combination) Channel 1Channel 2

BReco Meeting 07/08/0410 cduud (indirect combination) Channel 1Channel 2

BReco Meeting 07/08/0411 cuuud (direct combination) Channel 3Channel 4

BReco Meeting 07/08/0412 cuuud (indirect combination) Channel 4Channel 3

BReco Meeting 07/08/0413 Dalitz for Chanels 3-4 Channel 3Channel 4

BReco Meeting 07/08/0414 cuuud (direct combination) Channel 1 Channel 2

BReco Meeting 07/08/0415 cuuud (indirect combination) Channel 1 Channel 2

BReco Meeting 07/08/0416 Upcoming Analyses Need to look more into D *0 (D 0 )p invariant mass spectra  Exclusive decays (not observed before)  B - ->D *0 ppbar  - (plus c.c.)  B - ->D 0 ppbar  - (plus c.c.)  Beta Ntuples have been generated. To be analyzed  Hard for a 4 GeV resonance due to lack of phase space  Inclusive analysis  D* 0 p (plus c.c.)  D 0 p (plus c.c.)  Beta Ntuples have been generated. To be analyzed

BReco Meeting 07/08/0417 Outlook and Plans Search of a charmed pentaquark in B 0 ->D ( * ) ppbar(  ) decays is reaching maturity  BAD 916 v5 with details on branching ratio (for all 4 B decays) has been submitted  Will submit BAD 997, continuation of BAD 916 with details of pentquark analysis  In channels 1 and 2 Dp invariant mass spectra do not show significant deviation from phase-space hypothesis  Channels 3 and 4 display differences between D0*barp (direct combination) and D0*p (indirect combination) invariant mass spectra, inconsistent with MC prediction  Will start looking into  Exclusive decays B - ->D *0 ppbar  -, B - ->D 0 ppbar  - (plus c.c.)  Inclusive D* 0 p and D 0 p (plus c.c.)