Tuesday, April 17 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. San Gabriel Hilton, San Gabriel, California Community Forum to Shape the Future! 1
■ State Independent Living Council 1600 K Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA ■ Toll Free: ■ TTY: ■ ■ Web: State Independent Living Council 2
■ Purpose & Expectation ► Community Input ► Public Comment ► Process Moving Forward Community Forum 3
■ During the summer of 2012, the Rehabilitation Services Administration will compete either one or two grants to run one or more Independent Living Centers in California. ■ Grant will be awarded with the plan for funding to start October 1, ■ Historically, state funding has followed the federal award. Community Forum Context 4
■ To be eligible for the federal funding, applicants must meet all of the requirements of an independent living center as described in the Rehabilitation Act as amended. ILC Grant Eligibility 5
■ SILC, in partnership with the Department of Rehabilitation, is responsible for writing and promulgating the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). ■ SPIL details how independent living services and goals will be attained in California. ■ Details include about how Centers qualify for funding and what funding they receive. SILC & DOR Role 6
■ The current SPIL does not have any provisions for what would happen should an existing center close. ■ SILC is working with DOR to get community input so that they can write the required amendment for the SPIL. What Happens If An ILC Closes? 7
1. One grant or two? 2. Where the ILC will be located? 3. Other requirements (language, representation, etc.) 4. Whether state funding will be awarded? SILC and DOR will be deciding 8
■ SILC/DOR will determine the basis for the federal award. ■ Federal government will choose the best bid. Selection Process 9
■ Amendment language finalized by the end of April ■ Public hearings in early May ■ Grant proposal issued by federal government in June Proposed Timeline 10
■ Seven Independent Living Centers ■ Estimated L.A. County population: Over 9 million ■ Estimated L.A. County disability population: Over 1.1 million ■ Estimated consumers served by ILCs: 10,740 ■ “Penetration” rate: less than one percent L.A. County by the Numbers 11
ILC Catchment Area 12
■ Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans are the most frequently mentioned ethnic minority populations in need of IL services. ■ Proportionally, Asian Americans and Latinos are underrepresented in the DOR and ILC service rates. SILC Needs Assessment Findings 13
■ Information & Referral ■ Peer Support ■ Employment ■ Legal Advocacy ■ Housing ■ Transportation ■ Healthcare ■ Personal Assistance Unmet Service Needs 14
■ State Independent Living Council 1600 K Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA ■ Toll Free: ■ TTY: ■ ■ Web: State Independent Living Council 15
■ Depending upon the number of public members in attendance and the discretion of the chair: ► Three(3) to ten (10) minutes per speaker ► Please use a microphone. ► If presenting visual materials, please include an audio description to make all content accessible. Open for Public Comment 16