February 10, 2011 San Diego
Federal law enacted in 2008 Intent to improve well-being and permanency outcomes for court dependent children Two California bills- Assembly Bill (AB) 938 and AB 12
Effective January 1, 2010 Applicable to both foster children/youth and wards Due diligence to locate and notify all grandparents, adult siblings and other adult relatives within 30 days of removal from parent(s) Must provide written and oral notification to all adults who are located
Notice must contain statement that child has been removed and give information on how relative can assist the child and family Requires the county to publicize a procedure for relatives to contact county for purpose of notification See All County Letter No for more details See CDSS issued county letters at:
Achieves permanency for a foster child/ward through guardianship with relative caregiver Modified existing Kin-GAP Program effective January 1, 2011 Enhancement in benefits to relative guardian Allows California to receive federal funds to pay for program
Benefits of program for new and existing cases Reduces time a court dependent child must live with a prospective guardian from 12 to 6 months Allows payment/benefits to continue regardless of state of residency Maximum payment cannot exceed what child would have received while in foster care Negotiable agreement Extends benefits to age 21 for a youth with a physical or mental disability
7 Payment available for each sibling Payment available up to youth’s 21 st birthday when meets requirements All other aspects of prior program remain the same (Medi-CAL, ILP, SCI, Dual Agency, Teen Parent, Clothing Allowance) All County Letter No for more details
8 Creates an extended safety net for emanicipating youth Effective January 1, 2012 will permit a foster youth to remain or return to foster care Workgroups underway to address all issues of implementation Kick-off meeting January 26; over 125 people
Kinship Care Policy & Support Unit California Dept. of Social Services Carole Minchew, Manager (916) Tricia Knight, Program Policy Analyst (916)