California Steelhead – End of The Rainbow Katie Perry Steelhead Restoration & Management Program
Monitoring Plans Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan Central Valley Steelhead Monitoring Plan Central Valley Chinook Salmon Escapement Monitoring Plan
STEELHEAD DPSSTATUS EFFECTIVE DATE Southern CaliforniaEndangeredOct. 17, 1997 South-Central California CoastThreatenedOct. 17, 1997 Central California CoastThreatenedOct. 17, 1997 Central ValleyThreatenedMay 18, 1998 Northern CaliforniaThreatenedAugust 7, 2000 Klamath Mountains ProvinceNot warrantedMarch 28, 2001
Southern California DPS 1999 – 2003 <70 steelhead 1991 – adult steelhead
Rindge Dam – Malibu Creek Matilija Dam Ventura River
Bradbury Dam, Santa Ynez River
Lower Santa Ynez River Fish Management Plan
Salsipuedes Creek Trap
South Central California DPS
Number of adult steelhead at San Clemente Dam, Carmel River
Central California Coast DPS
Steelhead Returns at Warm Springs Hatchery & Coyote Valley Fish Facilities
Central Valley California DPS
Red Bluff Diversion Dam, Sacramento River
Northern California DPS
Wild vs. Hatchery Steelhead at Van Arsdale Fisheries Station Eel River
Summer Steelhead Counts Middle Fork Eel River
Northern California DPS 1930 s : 3, s : 4, s : 2, s : 1, /01: 17,164 (1,419)
Klamath Mountains Province DPS
Trinity River Adult Fall-run Steelhead Run-size Estimates Upstream of Willow Creek Weir
Smith River
SUMMARY Steelhead stocks in California appear to be stable to declining Need adequate monitoring programs & data collection Need to complete Federal recovery plans Need to continue to address & alleviate threats
Katie Perry Steelhead Restoration & Management Program California Department of Fish and Game 830 S Street Sacramento, California Phone: (916) Fax: (916)