The California Association for Local Economic Development Your Greatest Resource California Association for Local Economic Development Founded in Members Largest State Association of Economic Developers
The California Association for Local Economic Development CALED Members Member-driven organization (900+) Cities (45%) and Counties (9%) Nonprofit E.D. Organizations (9%) Chambers of Commerce (2%) Education and Training Agencies (7%) Private Sector (14%) State and Federal Agencies (3%) Other (11%)
The California Association for Local Economic Development CALED Mission to Support Local ED Build Local ED Effectiveness and Capability Promote Local ED Success Help make Local ED a Local Priority Enhance Image and Awareness of Profession Be a Player on Behalf of Local ED
The California Association for Local Economic Development CALED Revenue Federal grants Foundations Member dues Project fees Events Services provided Sponsorships
The California Association for Local Economic Development California Academy for Economic Development A 501(c)3 foundation Mission: –Research: Tools for Business Success –Education: partners on ED training, has scholarship program, strengthen ties to University system, Certificate in ED program
The California Association for Local Economic Development California Enterprise Development Authority Access to expansion capital for land, building and equipment Joint Powers Authority dedicated to economic development finance Industrial Development Loan program for growing manufacturing businesses Nonprofit 501(c)3 Loan program
The California Association for Local Economic Development Professional Advisory Service Bring team of ED experts to a community to help jump start or enhance their economic development program
The California Association for Local Economic Development Local Elected Official Forums Educate community leaders on the meaning and value of economic development
The California Association for Local Economic Development Impact Calculator Uses updated Implan data to quickly and inexpensively calculate the impact of a project and summarize into a thumbnail report Measures jobs, taxes, economic vitality
The California Association for Local Economic Development Business Retention & Economic Impact Initiative Overall business health and which of our key businesses are at risk.
The California Association for Local Economic Development Green Water Treatment Solutions Meets all title 22 requirements (drinking water) Designed, built and onsite in months not years Reduces new potable water needs, saves energy, recycles storage, reuses sludge, addresses water conservation Smaller footprint Lower operational cost Fully guaranteed
The California Association for Local Economic Development Customer Service Academy Academy for teaching public-sector employees how & why they should deliver high quality customer service
The California Association for Local Economic Development Agriculture Technology Innovation Partnership Agriculture Research Services/Agriculture Technology Innovation Partnership Connected to Scientific Research and Development through our members Commercializing Federal Agency Technology
The California Association for Local Economic Development Wayne Schell President/CEO The California Association For Local Economic Development 550 Bercut Dr. Suite G Sacramento, CA (916) Fax (916)