Determining if the Family Survey Response is Representative 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Determining if the Family Survey Response is Representative 1

 Nevada determined that all children with an IFSP that had received services for six months or longer would receive a survey.  Contracted with the University of Nevada, Reno, Center for Excellence to assist with developing the survey and to disseminate and report on findings.  A task force developed the survey utilizing the NCSEAM and ECO survey tools and an existing Nevada survey. 2

 Spanish surveys were sent to families indicated through our data system as Spanish speaking. 3

Region# of Surveys Sent # of Surveys Returned Rate of Return Statewide % NEIS Northwest % NEIS Northeast % NEIS South % 4

RespondentTotalPercent Mothers17083% Fathers84% Foster Parent157% Grandparent73% Other52% 5

RegionWhiteHispanic of Any Race American Indian or Alaska Native Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander AsianTwo or More Races Statewide 56%22%1%5%2%3%11% Northwest 76%11%1%0%1%4%7% Northeast 60%13%0% 27% South 44%30%0%9%3% 11% 6

RegionWhiteHispanic of any Race American Indian or Alaska Native Black or African American Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Two or More Races State Family Survey 56%22%1%5% 11% State Demographer %24%1%7%6%N/A The slight variance of a few percentage points is most likely accounted for by the category of two or more races, which is not a category collected by the State Demographer. 7

 Created a workgroup to discuss options and incorporated the following for this year: ◦ Simplified the survey, the questions were too wordy and were repetitive. ◦ Goal to get survey on one page. ◦ Every survey was sent with English on one side and Spanish on the other, so families could use language most comfortable with. ◦ Created a flyer for direct service staff to help them inform families that the survey was coming. 8

◦ Appealed to direct service providers several times to urge families to complete the survey. ◦ Tracked the response rate midway through and sent reminders to programs where response rate was low to remind families. ◦ Put identifiers on the envelope (program logo) so families would realize it was not “junk mail.” ◦ Had a high percentage of surveys returned for incorrect addresses, sent them back to programs for address correction and resent. 9

 Instead of comparing the survey return rate with the statewide population demographics, will compare the return rate with the demographics of the early intervention population receiving the survey.  Considering have an online option for the survey.  Considering having a personal identifier on the survey.  Overall feel that Nevada is getting a representative return rate for the survey across all regions. 10

Nevada’s Contact: Wendy Whipple, Part C Coordinator  Survey Results can be viewed at Nevada’s Website: Survey will be available this Fall 11