JSON IDU0075 Sissejuhatus veebiteenustesse.  JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation  JSON is lightweight text-data interchange format  JSON is.


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Presentation transcript:

JSON IDU0075 Sissejuhatus veebiteenustesse

 JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation  JSON is lightweight text-data interchange format  JSON is language independent  JSON is "self-describing" and easy to understand What is JSON?

 JSON is plain text  JSON is "self-describing" (human readable)  JSON is hierarchical (values within values)  JSON can be parsed by JavaScript  JSON data can be transported using AJAX Much Like XML

 No end tag  Shorter  Quicker to read and write  Can be parsed using built-in JavaScript eval()  Uses arrays  No reserved words Much Unlike XML

 Data is in name/value pairs  Data is separated by comma  Curly brackets holds objects  Square brackets holds arrays  { "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe" } JSON Syntax Rules

 { "employees": [ { "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe" }, { "firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith" }, { "firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones" } ] } JSON Syntax Rules

{ "firstName": „Peeter", "lastName": „Porgand", "address": { "streetAddress": „Ehitajate tee 5-III 301", "city": „Tallinn", "postalCode": „123456“ }, "phoneNumbers": [ " ", " " ] } JSON example

Peeter Porgand Ehitajate tee Tallinn Same in XML

 yjson_eval yjson_eval JSON to JavaScript

Aitäh! Julia Labunets IABB51