Maximizing and Monitoring Learner Progress for Children who are Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing and their Families
To revise the MN Collaborative Plan so it better reflects the status of MN services to children who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing. “… to improve educational outcomes so that each student, upon graduation, is prepared to enter the adult workforce or continue his/her education and be a productive member of the community.” MN Collaborative Plan
Most participants are original authors You represent an agency, organization or school district who has a vested interest or… You are a parent of a child who is deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing or… You are an individual who is deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing
You have unique experiences and expertise which will contribute significantly to the plan’s development and implementation
This is your plan! Please… …provide relevant input to shape the plan. …commit to two full days. …adhere to times allocated.
Engage in the conversation or task at hand. Create an atmosphere for open and honest discussion. Avoid side conversations and cross-talking whether speaking or signing during presentations and discussions. Face people and keep hands and objects away from your mouth when speaking. Allow for lag time.
Birth – Age 5 Monday: CC17 (Conference Center B) Tuesday: CC17 (Conference Center B) K – Gr. 5 Monday: CC3 (Conference Center AA) Tuesday: CC20 (Conference Center B)
Gr. 6 – 8 Monday: CC18 (Conference Center B) Tuesday: CC18 (Conference Center B) Gr. 9 – Age 21 Monday: CC16 (Conference Center B) Tuesday: CC8 (Conference Center A)
Joan Breslin-Larson, Low-Incidence Supervisor at MN Department of Education Nicole Brown, EHDI Coordinator at MN Department of Health Elise Knopf, State Coordinator for Deaf Services at DEED-VRS Candace Lindow-Davies, Director at MN Hands & Voices Sue Rose, Coordinator of Special Education at University of Minnesota Katy Thorpe, State Services for the Blind
Mary Hartnett, Executive Director, Commission for Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans (MNCDHH) Michelle Ooley, Executive Assistant Extraordinaire Kathy Arnoldi, Collaborative Plan Coordinator Marian Hausladen, Collaborative Plan Support Joyce Daugaard, Collaborative Plan Consultant
Cheryl DeConde Johnson, Collaborative Plan Consultant Kirby Pitman, Survey Project Manager, Management, Analysis and Development
MN Collaborative Plan Steering Committee and Staff Kathy Anderson, Statewide Early Hearing Detection/Intervention Specialist Jay Fehrman, Program Manager, Deaf & Hard of Hearing (D/HH) & Blind/Visually Impaired (B/VI) Programs, Intermediate District #916 Jane Connelly, audiologist, Saint Paul Public Schools Mary Cashman-Bakken, MN Department of Education (Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
“Collaboration allows teachers to capture each other's fund of collective intelligence.” Michael Schmoker, Results Now
Maximizing and Monitoring Learner Progress for Children who are Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing and their Families
Powerpoint and Talking Points: Thank you!