EAS Treasurer’s Report Presentation to General Assembly June, 2010
INCOME Individual member fee Corporate Member fee Congress Surplus Summer School fee Anitschkow Award From interest Other Total €
EXPENSES Society Outgoings Awards/other society support IAS Travel Grants Elsevier Total €
EXPENSES Executive Office Costs Office management Office running costs Office rental Total €
EXPENSES Internal Costs EC/conferences meetings Exhibitions Debitech Medscape Triggerfish Bank Summer School costs Total €
EXPENSES External Services Legal advisor Auditor/accountant Other Total €
Balance Total Income € Society outgoings Executive Office Costs Internal Expenses External services Total Expenses € Loss of rate of currency (SEK) Operating surplus €
Bank and cash reserves Bank and cash reserves at year end €
Balance and loss Assets € Accrued income Bank and Cash Reserves at year end Total Financial Assets Total Assets € Equity and liabilities Equity Equity brought forwards Year end result Total Equity € Accrued expenses Total Equity and liabilities €