Riverside Unified School District October 29 th Board Study Session THE ROAD TO COLLEGE AND CAREER SUCCESS
Districtwide Federal and State Measures FIRST Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) ELA Math Academic Performance Index (API)
Today, however, workplace readiness demands the same level of knowledge and skills as college readiness.... many of the jobs that can support a family require knowledge and skills comparable to those expected of the first-year college student (ACT, 2006) And by postsecondary we mean primarily two-year or four-year institutions, trade schools, and technical schools. American College Testing (ACT) defines college readiness as the level of achievement a student needs to be ready to enroll and succeed— without remediation—in credit-bearing first-year postsecondary courses.
Reading by 3 rd Grade NEXT DIBELS End-Of-Year 2012 Kindergarten 53% First Grade 54% Second Grade 64% CST Grade % % %
CST and CELDT– Elementary Continual CST Improvement Year – Year Individual Student Growth Reclassification of Academic English Learners NEXT Continual CST Improvement ELA 55% 55% 59% Math 60% 63% 64% Grade 5 Science 53% 51% 54%
CST and CELDT– Elementary Continual CST Improvement Year – Year Individual Student Growth Reclassification of Academic English Learners NEXT Year – Year Individual Student Growth ELA 2011 to % of students 3 rd through 6 th 2010 to % of students 3 rd through 6 th Year – Year Individual Student Growth Math 2011 to % of students 3 rd through 6 th 2010 to % of students 3 rd through 6 th
CST and CELDT– Elementary Continual CST Improvement Year – Year Individual Student Growth (min 17% down 30 up) Reclassification of Academic English Learners NEXT Reclassification of Academic English Learners Kindergarten through 8 th Grade % 17.7% 15.9% 544 students 1,133 students 916 students
AYP API Federal and State Goals NEXT Bryant Castle View Harrison Highgrove Lake Mathews Magnolia Rivera Adams Bryant Castle View Emerson Franklin Harrison Hawthorne Highgrove Highland Jackson Kennedy Lake Mathews Madison Magnolia Monroe Pachappa Rivera Twain Victoria Washington
Elementary Honors FINAL 800 Club 900 Club Adams Alcott Castle View Franklin Harrison Jefferson Madison Magnolia Pachappa Rivera Taft Twain Victoria Washington Woodcrest Bryant Emerson Highgrove Kennedy Lake Mathews
Characteristics of Schools with Continuous Improvement 1.Strong school culture and belief system 2. Commitment to early literacy 3. Productive Professional Learning Community 4. Skillful use of the instruction cycle Next step: Extend and expand learning opportunities
CST and CELDT Tests – Middle School Continual CST Improvement Algebra Success by 8 th Grade Year – Year Individual Student Growth Reclassification of Academic English Learners NEXT Continual Improvement ELA 56% 59% 64% 7 th Gr math 49% 53% 56% 7-8 Algebra47% 53% 54% 8 th General Math12% 18% 18% 8 th Geometry85% 87% 90% 8 th History57% 59% 61% 8 th Science67% 69% 71%
Algebra Success by 8 th Grade Students achieving Advanced or Proficient on Algebra 1 CST by the end of 8 th grade % % % STAR and CELDT Tests – Middle School Continual CST Improvement Algebra Success by 8 th Grade Year – Year Individual Student Growth Reclassification of Academic English Learners NEXT
STAR and CELDT Tests – Middle School Continual CST Improvement Algebra Success by 8 th Grade Year – Year Individual Student Growth Reclassification of Academic English Learners NEXT Year – Year Individual Student Growth ELA 2011 to % of students in 7 th and 8th 2010 to % of students in 7 th and 8th Year – Year Individual Student Growth Math 2011 to % of students in 7 th and 8th 2010 to % of students in 7 th and 8th
AYP API Federal and State Goals NEXT Miller Central Earhart Miller Sierra
College Readiness Indicators Advanced Placement Early Assessment Program NEXT Advanced Placement Number of Test Takers 2,070 2,258 2,057 Number of Exams Taken 3,991 4,336 4,337 Percent Passed 42.8% 44.0% 47.4%
Early Assessment Program ELA Participation 87% 87% 89% Ready/Conditional 19% 21% 21% Math Participation 76% 83% 90% Ready/Conditional 51% 50% 50% College Readiness Indicators Advanced Placement Early Assessment Program NEXT
Secondary Honors Seal of Biliteracy 5% 138 students in five languages – Chinese, French, German, Korean, Spanish Golden State Seal Merit Awards % 8% 13% 239 students 233 students 469 students NEXT
Secondary Honors 800 Club900 Club FINAL Gage Miller King Central Earhart
Characteristics of Schools with Continuous Improvement 1.College and career indicators emphasized 2.Frequent monitoring through data 3.Safety nets and interventions 4.Timely and targeted professional development Next step: Development of the Blueprint for Action - ETW