Welcome to Back to School Morning, 2013/2014!
Contact Information James Sutter Cell: Work: Web:
Got PTO? It’s the hip thing to do.
Curriculum Math: GO Math + M3 Reading/Spelling/Writing: Open Court Social Studies: Holt/Rinehart/Winston Science: Holt/Rinehart/Winston NOTE: All student textbooks (or links to publishers) are available on the web ( with the exception of the Social Studies.
Materials Spirals (red, blue, green, black) Journal Simple calculators… Nothing more… if a student is unable to provide their own, I can help!
Homework Random HW collection HW Calendars (recorded daily, initialed) Time Limit - 2 Hours 3 Types –Short Term (daily- in/out of class) –Long Term (set due date) –Weekly (completed by that Friday)
Grades Assessment Data –Tests (end of unit) –Quizzes (daily/weekly) Projects Participation
Extended Day Card Club –Fri. (2:25 – 3:30) HW Club –Open format (Tue./Thur. 2:25 – 3:30)
Field Trips IMAX (Mysteries of Egypt & Mysteries of the Nile) MSOE (Mission Springs Outdoor Education) –Who has volunteered as a chaperone?
Fingerprints If you are even thinking of helping in class or being a chaperone, get some prints!
Classroom Helpers Room Parent –Roster, Snack Friday Organizer End of Year Party Art Docent Chaperones
Conferences Request via phone or … anytime!
Accelerated Work (A.P./Honors Program) All are welcome! Options are included on the web or during direct instruction
Technology You have been signed up for the Google Group! Use the web site! anytime! –Create a monitored account for your student. -Flash drives