CMUA Legislative Briefing February 26, 2015
Regional water wholesaler 26 Member Agencies 6 counties Serving approximately 19 million residents 5,200 square mile service area $1 trillion economy
San Luis Reservoir Sacramento & Feather Rivers Feather Rivers California Lake Oroville LakeMead UpperColorado River Basin NorthernSierra Aqueduct ColoradoRiverAqueduct Colorado River River LakePowell MWD Service Area MWD Service Area Bay-Delta
OCT % 2011 SWP Allocation OCT % 65% 2012 SWP Allocation OCT % 35% 2013 SWP Allocation OCT % 5% 2014 SWP Allocation None Abnormal Moderate Severe Extreme Exceptional 0%
New record on daily rebate applications (devices)
Increased interest in turf removal
7 Reliance on multiple solutions to address complex challenges Continued investments in diverse portfolio Local supplies Imported Retrofit state system to provide base supplies while supporting development of local programs Groundwater Recharge Desalination Conservation Recycling State Water ProjectColorado River
ConservationConservation GW Recovery RecycledRecycled Surface Storage Conjunctive Use GW Replenishment Banking Programs Dry Year Storage $782 Million $1 Billion $373 Million $112 Million 16.7 MAF Water Savings 0.8 MAF Storage Capacity 3.4 MAF Water Stored 1.3 MAF Storage Capacity Dry Year Supply Core Supplies TransfersTransfers $73 Million 0.3 MAF Water Purchased
Local Resources Program Program Number of Projects Contract Yield (AFY) Deliveries to Date (AF) Incentives to Date ($M) Recycling75307,0002,026, Groundwater Recovery 24113,000719, Total99420,0002,745, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
*Estimated actual storage balances, subject to change.
For further information, please contact: Kathleen Cole, Legislative Representative (916)