K D H A L E J B G C F I -fault Youngest Oldest Place the Earth materials and events in order of relative occurrence, then answer the following questions. 1.What type of unconformity occurs between “H” and “D”? ____________________________ 2.Which principle would you apply to determine the age relationship between “B” and “G”? ____________________________ 3.Which principle would you apply to determine the age relationship between “K” and “L”?____________________________ 4.Define the term “unconformity”. ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Which is older, an inclusion or the including rock? ____________________________ 6. Which is older, a cutting event or the material being cut?____________________________ E L K A H G B I D C F J Disconformity Cross-Cutting Relationship Stratigraphic Superposition A surface that represents missing time. The Inclusion The material being cut
AA’ Contour and topographic profile exercise. Use an interval of 1000 feet