Sci. 1-3 Topographic Maps Pages 16-19
Topographic maps - shows surface features of the Earth They also show elevation (the height of an object above sea level) The elevation at sea level is 0.
B. Contour lines - lines that connect points of equal elevation
Contour interval – the difference in elevation between one contour line and the next 1. Small contour intervals mean the land is relatively flat.
D. Relief - the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points.
The spacing of contour lines also indicates slope. 1. Contour lines that are close together with little space between them means it is steep.
F. The index contour is heavier (darker) than other contour lines and is labeled by elevation.
Different colors represent different features: Black – manmade things – roads, bridges, railroads, buildings, ect. Brown – contour lines Red – major highways Pink – cities and towns Blue – water – rivers, lakes, ponds Green – wooded areas
H. Contour lines never cross.
I. Contour lines that cross a valley or stream are V-shaped.
Contour lines form closed circles around tops of hills, mountains, and depressions. 1. Depressions are marked with short straight lines inside the circle, pointing downslope toward the center of the depression. Hill