Topographic Maps
Bell Ringer Draw a Map of the Mountain of play-doh located in the front of the classroom.
Bell Ringer Follow up
Topographic Maps Topographic Map – is a map that shows surface features, or topography of the earth. Show natural features Rivers, lakes, and mountains Features made by humans Bridges, roads, and cities. Elevation The height of an object above sea level.
Elements of Elevation United States Geological Survey (USGS) – a federal government agency responsible for making the majority of topographic maps for the United States.
Contour Lines Contour lines are lines that are used to show elevation. Connect points of equal elevation. The spacing between contour lines indicate slope and the closer the lines are together the steeper the slope.
Contour Interval Contour Interval – the difference in elevation between one contour line and the next. In the map below the contour interval is 20ft.
Relief Relief – the variations in elevation of a land surface. The difference between the highest elevation to the lowest elevation. Because, a Mountain is large, the relief may be shown on a larger contour scale lets say 100ft. Where somewhere like New Bern maybe shown on a scale of 10ft.
Index Contour Index Contour - is a darker, heavier contour line that is usually every fifth line and that is labeled by its elevation.
Rules for Reading Contour Lines Contour lines never cross. All points along a contour line represent one elevation. The spacing of contour lines depends on slope characteristics. Ex. Contour lines that are close together show a steep slope. Contour lines that are far apart show a gentle slope. Contour lines that pass a valley or stream are V shaped. The V points to the area of highest elevation. The tops of hills, mountains, and depressions are shown by closed circles.
Depressions are Represented by the Image Below
Bathymetric Maps Maps that work like topographic maps except the show the depths of the ocean floor.
Geologic Map Geologic Maps show the geological features of an area such as rock formations, faults, or other geological data.
Topographic Maps
Group Activity Road Maps
End of Section 2.3