2 Budgetball Civic Engagement Initiative
Let’s Get Fiscal!
6 The Budgetball Civic Engagement Initiative GOAL: To educate a new generation of concerned and motivated young adults who possess the knowledge, skills and determination to address complex fiscal challenges.
Budgetball is a team sport that provides players an experience in managing debt and savings. It is designed to increase participants understanding of the national debt and the issues of financial responsibility. It’s educational, strategic, and FUN!
Something owed to someone else Amount owed by the federal government of the US Money Goods Services Four broad categories of national debt Budget deficit Savings deficit Trade deficit Leadership deficit
Money management concept Stretch the importance of savings Basics VS. Brand Names More spending on brand name products = less spending for basic items Pay for the basics and give allowance for everything else Wish-list budget One expensive item = Three lower price items
Putting aside part of what you earn Emergency funds Piggy banks Summer/part time jobs Spending more than what one produces Most of the time all young people ever see adults do with money is spend it!
Money United States owes to other countries Exports/Imports LAST place Many goods are made abroad and shipped to US Game Stop
Biggest challenge Many leaders know about financial crisis, yet they lack courage to do anything about it War in Iraq Cost billions of dollars $ value falls in the global market Our generation Retire years from now Government will be able to pay Some Social Security, Medicare and Medicate benefits. Other parts of federal government will be closed and out of business.
Decisions made today will affect the health care and retirement choices of young adults, as well as their parents and grandparents. Most young adults don’t even know the problem exists!!! Without paradigm shift (young leaders), the entire federal budget will be used by Medicare, Social Security and interest on the national debt in about 20 years.
Why should students (age 11-25) need to know about Personal Debt and Savings? Personally College graduates leave school with an average $20,000 debt College grads who had at least one credit card had an average of $4,138 in credit card debt in 2008, up 44% from It can take 12 years to pay off $1,000.
15 Budgetball Concepts Both debt and savings are important financial tools Debt should be used responsibly Costs VS. Benefits that it will generate in the short-term and the long-term Unpaid debt will cost more and more over time interest payments Realistic plan to pay back debt
Savings/surpluses permit future choices Saving money may require sacrifices in the short-term Savings/surpluses can be used to pay off future needs and debts Budgetball uses these concepts as part of the sport and creates a new vocabulary to learn more…
17 Budgetball Basics
It’s an All Night Thing!
2:45-3:45 Pick participants/students up from the 6 Middle Schools 3:30 -4:30 Registration/Meet with Team Coaches 5:00 - 6:30 Dinner and Workshops (Student Center Ballroom) Educational workshop (45 minutes) Budgetball rules workshop (45 minutes) PARENT BANQUET: Discussion about National /Local Financial Issues 7:00 PM-11:00Budgetball Tournament 11:00-11:30Assessment/Awards Ceremony 11:30 -1:00Swimming 1:00-1:45Pizza/Snacks 1:45-2:30Stepping/Dance/Budgetball Shout Contest 2:30-4:153 on 3 basketball Tournament / 5 on 5 Basketball Tournament 4:15-5:30Volleyball, Kickball, Racquetball, Dodge ball, Video Games 5:30-6:15 Scavenger Hunt Winners 6:15-30Snacks 6:30-7:00“Best Overnight Camper” Award 7:00 AM-7:30Parents/Guardian Pick up Students Middle School Budgetball Lock-In Schedule
Let’s Get Fiscal
Washington, DC May 22, 2010
Kentucky State BB Team
Sacrifice: Lifesaver