Kidsvolley in school Peter Morell Dansk Volleyball Forbund Instructor on all levels in Danish Volleyball Coach for the selected team U18 men in Danish Volleyball Federation Coach for women’s teams in the best division in Denmark Employed in Region of Copenhagen responsible for youth team Employed in the Danish Volleyball Federation responsible for youth team Developing manager for the department of youth and recreation volleyball in the Danish Volleyball Federation
Denmark and volleyball in Denmark Facts about Denmark Part of northern Europe 5.3 million inhabitants Denmark’s school system Elementary school to age 6 to age 16 Physical education is mandatory in Denmark, with two lessons a week Facts about volleyball in Denmark ,000 members and 258 clubs youth members between age 6 and age 12
Before youth players in DVBF between 6 – 12 years Volleyball introduced in school when the pupils reached the age of years. They played 4 against 4 but mostly 6 against 6 What we found in Danish schools was a game characterized by: Few successful ball contacts Stationary players Made from the premises of adults’ volleyball
Ball Contacts
Kidsvolley the great chance We developed Kidsvolley, which was very much inspired from the Dutch “Circulatie Volleyball”. A big thanks to the Dutch coach Adri Noy from Flamingo and the Dutch Volleyball Federation.
Kidsvolley Level 0- 2 age 6 to age 9 Catch and throw Played on a badminton court 4 players on the court The ball is thrown back and forth over the net Level 3 age 9 to age 11 Played on a badminton court 4 players on the court Players are not allowed to throw the ball over the netSecond touch has to be caught and thrown to the next player Level 4 – 5 age 10 to age 12 Played on a badminton court 4 players on the court Regular volleyball hits and rules
Kidsvolley following ability Go to next LEVEL Kidsvolley is not following age but the children’s ability
Kidsvolley The Kidsvolley game is characterized by: The starting point is the child - not the traditional volleyball game Having fun while playing Movement Progression success – it is important to feel that you are getting better! The possibility to play for kids from ages 6 and 7
In-school Program The vision was that Kidsvolley should be the best ball game for children in the Danish public school. Long time strategy – 2006 E lementary school (1st to 3rd grade). Age 6 to age – 2011 E lementary school (4st to 9rd grade). Age 10 to age 16.
In-school Program Phase 1 Clubs Development of materials for Kidsvolley Kidsvolley courses in clubs Phase 1 Schools 2002 Testing Kidsvolley in elementary school Development of materials for schools Phase 2 Clubs Club-school contracts Help to new clubs starting Kidsvolley Phase 2 Schools Free courses for teachers The clubs teach at the local schools Phase 3 Clubs 2006 New materials and inspiration for the clubs Starting Teenvolley Phase 3 Clubs 2006 Continuing free courses for teachers Kidsvolley School tournaments Along with our efforts toward schools, we also had a lot of focus on developing our clubs. First clubs then schools
Phase We had to present something new and motivational for teachers and pupils The game had to be quickly set into motion Not using too many materials For the teachers, it should be easy to organize We should be able to provide them with plenty of tools and aids
Phase Our theory was that success would be accomplished via the teachers. Our job was to make the teachers think that Kidsvolley was the best game in the world. Once the teachers would find it funny and educational, they would use it in school. 3 hours free courses in Kidsvolley ( 134 teachers’ courses held with the participation of 3,590 teachers) Cooperation between Danish Volleyball Federation, the clubs, and the schools
Phase Overall strategies for school tournaments The school tournaments should be scheduled in the time period from 9:00 to 12:00. The school tournaments should be for pupils in 2nd and 3rd grade (8 – 9 years). The school tournaments should be held where we already have Kidsvolley clubs, so that we could link each school with a club. Every school tournament should be held according to a joint DVBF (Danish VolleyBall Federation) concept. The Kidsvolley clubs should be in charge of administering the school tournaments, following a manual. The tournament should be simple enough for the Kidsvolley clubs to handle it themselves. DVBF was in charge of communicating with the schools. Every tournament should be held in halls with 5 Kidsvolley courts and with approximately 125 participants.
School tournaments school tournaments all over Denmark 250 schools 700 teachers 530 classes 12,500 pupils
Teachers’ evaluation after the school tournaments Did you know of Kidsvolley before taking part in the tournament? How do you as a teacher evaluate the benefit of the day? Yes65% No35% If no, would you try Kidsvolley in physical education in the future? Yes97% No0% Don’t know3% Really well66% Well30% Less than well3% Would you take part in a Kidsvolley school tournament with your pupils another time, if given the opportunity? Yes98% No1% Don’t know1%
Kidsplayers 2006
School program Teenvolley is directed to the upper grades of public schools (children from 13 to 16 years). Teenvolley can be played in 4 different ways Teen 1 (3 against 3, badminton court, 2 ball must be cashed) Teen 2 (3 against 3, badminton court, no ball must be cached) Teen 3 (6 against 6, court 9x6 meter, normal rules ) Teen 4 (6 against 6, normal court, normal rules )
School program We do it once again. Same strategy Goals for school tournaments Pupils and teachers age age age age age age age age age age age age age age age Total