“I hereby authorize the staff of LimeLight to act for me according to their best judgments at the event. I have no knowledge of physical illness that would affect above player’s participation in LimeLight.” If registering with a team, what is team name and coach’s name? Mail Applicant Information and Payment to: 1993 Drexel Ave Lancaster, PA Make checks payable to “Lucking Field Hockey LLC” Parental Consent: Applying for one or two day tournament? (Circle One) One Day (Sat) Two Day (Sat & Sun) Graduation YearPosition High School T-shirt sizePhone Applying for which tournament? (Circle All That Apply) E- Mail Address Name Applicant Information PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE Field Hockey Tournaments June 16/17, 2012 Greater Boston, MA “The opportunity to show your Field Hockey talent in collegiate LimeLight” Director: Kendra Lucking Website: Check us out on Facebook Bentley University June 2/3, 2012 Lancaster, PA Franklin & Marshall College June 9, 2012 Brookville, NY Long Island University, C.W. Post Lancaster (F&M) Boston (Bentley) New York (C.W. Post) or apply online at
IndividualTeam 1- Day Tournament: Payment by May 3 $ 80 $ Day Tournament: Payment Received after May 3 $ 95 $ Day Tournament (6 Games Sat/Sun) $ 95 $ 650 Play in Two Different LimeLight Tournaments $ 120 $ 850 Play in All Three LimeLight Tournaments $ 140 $ 1,000 Important Dates What is a LimeLight Tournament? Tournament Benefits Field Hockey Tournament LimeLight provides an opportunity to showcase your skills to college recruiting coaches. Top caliber instructional clinic Participant will receive promotional cards to send to college coaches and contact info of more than 200 college coaches invited to event. Participant’s resume given to attending recruiters Premier recruiting field hockey tournament & clinic to further participants athletic career Tournaments are for athletes ages Participants can sign up individually or w/ team (U16, - Games will be played 6 v. 6 plus goalie on turf ◊ ◊ May 18: Boston Application Deadline June 2/3, June 9 & June 16/17: Tourn Dates Individuals are provided coach, placed w/girls from same school then randomly, & requests are allowed ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ May 3: Early bird deadline for discounted price May 28: Lancaster /New York Application Deadline April 4: Participant packets sent w/ personalized promotional cards and tournament instructions. ◊ Prices: ◊ Fill out “Applicant Information” section of brochure or website ( then send a non-refundable check or equivalent to “Lucking Field Hockey LLC” at: 1993 Drexel Ave Lancaster, PA Spots will be filled on first-come, first-served basis. ◊ ◊ ◊ An will be sent confirming enrollment To Enroll for the Showcase… - Multiple locations allows for extra college exposure. Recruiters are more likely to attend events geographically convenient for them U19, or mixed) & can play in 1 or 2 day tournament. Greater Boston, MA Bentley University June 2/3, 2012 June 16/17, 2012 Lancaster, PA F&M College June 9, 2012 C.W. Post Brookville, NY