2006 PMCQ Feedback Survey Results An analysis of attitudes to the PMCQ and the services it offers
General information
Language preference English: 125 French: 63 34% 66%
Please indicate your company classification 2% 48% 50%
Please indicate the field you work in 20% 17% 7% 9% 37% 2% 1% 5% 2%
Are you currently registered as a member of the PMCQ 27% 3% 70%
In your opinion, what should the role of the PMCQ be 10% 13% 12% 9% 14% 18% 15% 0%
In your opinion, what activities should the PMCQ continue to sponsor 13% 4% 28% 26% 29%
PMCQ Christmas Ball
Did you attend the 2005 PMCQ Christmas Ball 37% 6% 57%
How would you rate your enjoyment at the 2005 PMCQ Christmas Ball 30% 12% 22% 35% 1%
PMCQ Golf Tournament
Did you attend the 2005 PMCQ Golf Tournament 43% 34% 23%
How would you rate your enjoyment at the 2005 PMCQ Golf Tournament 29% 1% 12% 24% 34%
Are you planning to attend the 2006 PMCQ Golf Tournament 33% 67%
Monthly Meetings
Do you currently receive meeting notices in a timely manner 98% 2%
How would you prefer to be informed on our monthly meetings 2% 14% 84%
On average, how many monthly meetings do you attend in a calendar year 12% 18% 32% 38%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Duration of Speaker Presentation 6% 1% 51% 42%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Content 9% 7% 2% 44% 11% 27%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Time of Day 26% 49% 25%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Hotel Location 8% 6% 13% 33% 40%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Hotel Parking 5% 20% 29% 37% 8%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Hotel Food 12% 2% 4% 29% 53%
Which element would encourage you to attend more meetings Meeting organization Meeting Organization 4% 2% 12% 41%
How would you rate the relevance of monthly PMCQ meetings on the following parameters General Business Information 35% 6% 59%
How would you rate the relevance of monthly PMCQ meetings on the following parameters Networking Opportunities 35% 6% 59%
How would you rate the relevance of monthly PMCQ meetings on the following parameters Social Venue 34% 52% 14%
In your opinion, what were the most interesting topics covered at the monthly meetings
In the future, which topics would you like to see covered at the monthly meetings Ethics 16% 24% 60%
In the future, which topics would you like to see covered at the monthly meetings Financial Savvy 25% 21% 54%
In the future, which topics would you like to see covered at the monthly meetings Demographic Trends 15% 34% 51%
Education Day
Did you attend Education Day in the Fall of % 87%
How would you rate your satisfaction (learning) with the 2005 Education Day 5% 14% 29% 52%
How would you rate the overall value obtained with the 2005 Education Day 5% 36% 59%
Do you receive the Club’s Newsletter – PharmIndex 0% 22% 78%
How would you prefer to receive the Club’s Newsletter – PharmIndex How would you prefer to receive the Club’s Newsletter – PharmIndex 50% 18% 32%
How informative is PharmIndex 1% 22% 10% 67%
PMCQ Web site
Have you visited the PMCQ web site 24% 76%
How informative is PMCQ Web site 0% 38% 57% 5%
Are you aware of our new website feature – Ask PAAB 41% 59%
Would you consider using Ask PAAB in the near future 29% 71%
Thank You