Taekwon-do club Bankya is created at the end of President of the club is Elitza Boyanova. She is senior vice president of Bulgarian United Taekwon-do Federation and instructor of International Taekwon-do Federation.
TC Bankya helps developing Taekwon-do as a martial art, sport and science in Bulgaria. Our club is an organization aimed at creating a democratic and not limited conditions for expression and development of clubs, coaches and students in Bulgaria. Our conception is expressed in the orientation of Taekwon-do to the people not for selfishness.
PROGRESS We are working for: Increase the technical level Participation in international events Organization of national seminars Introduction of uniform requirements for training Theoretical and practical teaching of judges together with BUTF Training students for national team
sport events The first event of our club was at the Festival of martial arts “Young friends of the police” at sport hall “Universiada” – where we took ІІІ complex place for juniors. The second competition was for “Levski “ cup, 2008 /III place/. We were second at а tournament for “Lulin” cup – At the Festival of martial arts and 15 th anniversary of CPTK 2008 we won the second place. Every year we proceed traditional sport camps. On the club won two gold, four silver and three bronze medals, on the open tournament for Varna cup – “Todor Todorov”.
Our club is looking for sponsors to improve the material base, to provide its members the necessary equipment, to participate in more national and international events. If you interested in our offer, we would like to invite you to visit us!
Contact Elitza Boyanova: Cell phone: web site: tkdbk.org