DEVELOPING THE DIALOGUE STRUCTURES IN EDUCATION SECTOR Case: 2012_ _ DEVELOPING THE DIALOGUE STRUCTURES IN EDUCATION SECTOR Supported by the Norway Grants, through the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue
PROJECT ADDED VALUE 879 trained teachers 517 education units 879 trained teachers on labor protection in schools from 517 education units all over Romania First training program First training program in Romania on Health and Safety Culture especially made for teachers A training of 80 hours and 20 professional transferable credits A training of 80 hours and 20 professional transferable credits which is a continuing education program accredited by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, which increases the qualification and the salaries of the teachers attending it A study visit in Oslo A study visit in Oslo that made the interaction of two systems possible, the advanced one from Norway and the on going one from Romania. Transfer of know-how Transfer of know-how from our Norwegian partners in designing the training program Supported by the Norway Grants, through the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue
LESSONS LEARNED Great cooperation Great cooperation between Romanian and Norwegian Unions had great results due to the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue H&S framework for the education sector The opportunity given by the Fund to make possible the cooperation between Unions for the creation and implementation of an H&S framework for the education sector and to train Union members in Romania implement programs that are independent It is of utmost importance for Romania that the Norwegian Fund be in charge financially, because it gives the opportunity to create and implement programs that are independent from the Government, thus allowing the Unions to be free of political interference. Supported by the Norway Grants, through the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue
LESSONS LEARNED soft approachreduced bureaucracy The positive part of the Norwegian Financial mechanism is the soft approach, reduced bureaucracy and not to complicated application procedures in implementation led to a slowdown In Romania the Norwegian Funds started to apply the national legislation in implementation of the projects (like the acquisition law) which led to a slowdown in the implementation process process is constructive The accession and implementation process is constructive in a way with great results. Innovation Norway and Norwegian partners’ support. Supported by the Norway Grants, through the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue
RECOMMANDATIONS Norwegian partners, sharing experience, study visits and joint cooperation Our recommendations for future program areas, based on our experience from the current one is to continue the model with Norwegian partners, sharing experience, study visits and joint cooperation Keep away Norwegian Funds from national bureaucracy in accession and implementation of the projects financed in each European country Keep the implementation of the project after the Norwegian rules Keep the implementation of the project after the Norwegian rules and keep the bureaucracy at the minimum level in accession and implementation of the Funds Continue to finance projects that had good results and can be multiplied Continue to finance projects that had good results and can be multiplied at a national level or projects that can continue a development process for the Unions in our case. Supported by the Norway Grants, through the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue
THANK YOU! Supported by the Norway Grants, through the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue