Introduction to a pit-less electronic scale “concrete deck” The scale to be shown is a B-Tek Side/Rail full electronic Platform is 70’x11’ on a slab design foundation The foundation has (2) 10’approaches and (2) decent ramp (25’ long) The scale utilizes a heavily reinforced concrete deck “Field installed” The scale has 6” clearance Features: Only (8) double link load cell mounts in a (4) section scale. Safety side rails are part of the scale’s design. 6” heavily reinforced concrete deck poured on top of the cross channels 11’ wide inside the beams no extra charge.
Forming slab foundation Shows 12” forming for the base slab on the scale
Installation of reinforcing Reinforcing bar are being installed preparing for monolithic concrete pour Notice wider bulkhead area for the approach
Base slab complete Shows 12” concrete base slab poured Notice reinforcing to tie in the approach slabs
Scale being placed Shows the scale being placed (three pieces) Notice the bulk head wall on the left
Decent ramp Approach is poured the decent ramp is being formed The approach is 10’ and the decent ramp is 25’ back to grade
Installation of concrete complete Concrete deck, approaches, and decent ramps complete Notice easy approach to the scale deck
Install complete Scale load cells installed Notice built- in side rails on the scale.