Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE Poverty Reduction (MDG1): Why Decent Work is Important UN MDG Workshop: The Final Push – Media’s Role 28 May 2012 Phu Huynh Labour Economist ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
% of workers living in poor households Despite remarkable progress, workers still earning too little to escape poverty… …around 326 million workers in Asia live on less than US$1.25 per day Note: MDG Target 1B indicator. US$1.25 per day poverty line. Source: ILO, Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM), 7th edition.
Poor job quality remains pervasive… Own-account and contributing family workers as % of total employment Note: MDG Target 1B indicator. Source: ILO, Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM), 7th edition. …1.1 billion, or 3 in 5, are own-account or contributing family workers – with low pay and limited protection
Labour productivity (GDP per person employed) Productivity is rising but remains low… …and can address poverty by raising wages/earnings, improving working conditions Note: MDG Target 1B indicator. Labour productivity measured in constant 2005 international $. Source: ILO, Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM), 7th edition.
What needs to be done Three principles: 1.Job quality is key to reduce poverty, develop middle class, boost domestic markets 2.Strong institutions are vital for addressing inequalities 3.Social protection is an investment in society (not a cost) Three areas for action: 1.Reduce vulnerabilities and disparities 2.Navigate crises and volatility 3.Ensure fair wages/incomes, distribution
Thank you Phu Huynh Labour Economist ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific For more information ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE Decent Work for All