Employees /Union Membership 1993/2013 CSO QHNS/Congress
Age Group% Union Members 2008 % Union Members %43% %47% %37% %27% %16% %4% AGE PROFILE & UNION DENSITY ROI DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
Involvement in Running or Organising Trade Union (Q.21) (Base: All Union Members – current 456) Significantly lower proportions considering themselves to be actively involved. Those that are, are involved in meetings, recruitment and representation. Actively involved Regularly attend Union meetings or events Occasionally involved Occasionally attends Union meetings Rarely involved Never involved Don’t want to be involved % Meetings related to work place (14) Branch meetings (8) Activities to recruit new members (5) Representing members to resolve grievances or disputes (3) Mediation of workplace issues (3) Workplace disputes such as a protest or strike (3) Lobbying/campaigning (2) 22 members (10%) () = % Agree 2006 amongst members (21%) (9%) (14%) (28%) (19%)
High Education 70% Public Administration & Defence 66% Health & Social Work 61%. Transport, Storage and Comms58% Financial Services 40% Manufacturing37% Low Hotels & Restaurants 9%. Business Services 14% Other Services 15%. UNION DENSITY /ECONOMIC SECTOR CSO
Summary of Inspections & Breaches Detected by Industry Sector January - June 2012, NERA SectorNo of Inspections Concluded Compliance Rate % Agriculture6242% Catering21542% Retail Grocery6148% Hotels4738% Contract Cleaning1442% Security1164% Construction13051% Electrical1963% Other1866% DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
Labour Market o Significant proportion of workers on low wages (66% median) 1:5 o Boom years spawned growth of low paid, insecure employment o >17% at risk of poverty are at work o Poor data on nature of contracts/jobs o Very significant SME sector (125,000 enterprises) o No right to collective bargaining DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
Growth of Low Pay Legacy of the Boom National minimum wage coverage c 5% of workers, 80,000 JLCs and REAs provided statutory wages and conditions of employment to 26% workers, c. 400,000, in lower paid sectors. DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
Ireland: Flexible forms of work: 'very atypical' contractual arrangements European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Study, October 2008 ‘Very Atypical' Part-time contracts (less than 10 hours per week) Short fixed-term contracts, of either less than six months, less than three months or less than one month employment without formal written contracts, (based on oral contracts) “zero hours” contracts/on-call work, where workers can be called upon at short notice DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
“Given the often hidden nature of the non-standard forms of employment, there is very limited data on the incidence of such practices. However, while there is no data on the incidence of these various practices, it is reasonable to assume that they have increased over the past five years” DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
Future Positive From 47 Unions
Future Positive Rebalancing Sovereignty Shared Services A Shift To Sectoral Organisation DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
RoI Manufacturing Distribution and Retail Infrastructure (Energy, Construction and Natural Resources) Commercial Services Public and Social Service Community NI Public Services Private Services (including construction) Retail Manufacturing. A Shift To Sectoral Organisation DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
“…best progress would be made through cooperating on tangible issues like organising and collective bargaining…” Transition To A New Structure DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES
Stage 1: cooperate on joint organising projects and ramp up organising expenditure on an incremental basis to 10% of income by Stage 2: establish a formal single negotiating unit with powers delegated from individual unions Stage 3: agree with the employers on some kind of joint industrial council for a sector. The Proposition DECENT WORK_FAIR PAY_BETTER LIVES