Supporting good work, defending workers’ rights Polly Jones World Development Movement
Which of these campaigns have workers been involved in?
International solidarity Realising a just, equal and peaceful world for ordinary (working) people Interconnectedness of our world Respect and tolerance between peoples We must challenge the systems and power that create and sustain poverty and inequality together
Decent work Through job creation and better working conditions people, communities and countries can lift themselves out of poverty and improve livelihoods. But this happens only when work is decent, productive, provides fair wages, underpinned by rights. Decent work contributes directly to poverty eradication and reduction of income inequality.
Poverty, inequity and insecurity 2/3 people living in extreme poverty live in households where the head of the household is working and where they are from an ethnic minority group 1 billion people live in the precarious position above $1.25 a day but below $2 200 million people were unemployed in 2012 Growth of the informal sector
Who are the workers?
Trade unions UK 6.2 million people Worldwide 175 million workers in 153 countries Local, national, regional and global links Representatives for particular groups: young people, women, black, LGBT, retired members. Representatives from different sectors
Workers’ Toolkit What workers say on the issue Trade union engagement – UK – Internationally International Labour Organisation (ILO) core labour standards Workplace +