Or where do the pixels move? Alon Gat
Given: two or more frames of an image sequence Wanted: Displacement field between two consecutive frames optical flow Problem Definition
Vector Plot: Subsample vector field and use arrows for visualization Color Plot: Visualize direction as color and magnitude as brightness
Extraction of Motion Information robot navigation/driver assistance surveillance/tracking action recognition Processing of Image Sequences video compression ego motion compensation Related Correspondence Problems stereo reconstruction structure-from-motion medical image registration
How to estimate pixel motion from two images? –Find pixel correspondences Given a pixel in img1, look for nearby pixels of the same color in img2 Key assumptions –color constancy: a point in img1 looks “the same” in img2 For grayscale images, this is brightness constancy –small motion: points do not move very far
Assume brightness of patch remains same in both images: Optical Flow: the vector field Displacement: Brightness Constancy Assumption
The Linearized Brightness Constancy Assumption Brightness Constancy Assumption Idea: If u and v are small and I is sufficiently smooth, one may linearize this constancy assumption via a first-order Taylor expansion around the point Known Unknow n
Smoothness Constraint : meaning neighbor pixels in the picture has similar velocities. In other words, nearby pixels moves together
We seek the set that minimize: Smoothness term Data term brightness constancy data term - penalizes deviations from constancy assumptions smoothness term - penalizes dev. from smoothness of the solution regularization parameter α - determines the degree of smoothness Output – the optical flow!
Idea: In order to reduce the influence of noise and outliers, we convolve I 0 with a Gaussian of mean μ = 0 and standard deviation Gaussian
According to the calculus of variations, a minimizer of E must fulfill the Euler-Lagrange equations Which are highly non linear system of equations… Euler-Lagrange equations
Or So we linearize again!
flow derivatives here discredited via linear system of equations
Update Rule:
Hard to find boundaries. Two approximations. Less accurate.
Instead of approximating the brightness constancy to the 1 st Tylor expansion, we’ve add one order. Second and more important, instead of solving E-L equations (which needed to be linearized) we wrote the Functional as n*m equations and minimized it with regular minimization methods (Gradient decent, Quasi Newton, and others)
Where P are the Image derivatives, and u, v is the optical flow Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB--Version 2.0 (
Quasi Newton Iteration The problem was that calculation time of inverse of non sparse matrix was long. And then multiplying two non sparse matrix… Gradient Decent. Non of the above problems but linear convergence rate. And convergence to local min.
In order to get things going faster (moving loooooooong string from matlab to mathematica takes awhile), we found the functional matrix’s constancy and calculate it in matlab. for i=2:imageSizeN-1 for j=2:imageSizeM-1 gradC(i,j)=gradC(i,j)+alpha*(2*(-c(i-1,j)+c(i,j))+2*(-c(i,j-1)+c(i,j))-2*alpha*(-c(i,j)+c(i,j+1)) - 2*alpha*(- c(i,j)+c(i+1,j))+4*exp((-1+c(i,j)^2+s(i,j)^2)^2)*c(i,j)*(-1+c(i,j)^2+s(i,j)^2) +2*(Ix(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ixz(i,j)*m(i,j)+2*Ixx(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)^2+Ixy(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j))*(Iz(i,j)+Izz(i,j)+Ix(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ix z(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ixx(i,j)*c(i,j)^2*m(i,j)^2+Iy(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j) +Iyz(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)+Ixy(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j)+Iyy(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j)^2)); gradS(i,j)=gradS(i,j)+4*exp((-1+c(i,j)^2+s(i,j)^2)^2)*s(i,j)*(- 1+c(i,j)^2+s(i,j)^2)+2*(Iy(i,j)*m(i,j)+Iyz(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ixy(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)^2+2*Iyy(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j))*(Iz(i,j)+Izz(i,j) +Ix(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ixz(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ixx(i,j)*c(i,j)^2*m(i,j)^2+Iy(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)+Iyz(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)+Ixy(i,j)*c(i,j)* m(i,j)^2*s(i,j)+Iyy(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j)^2) +alpha*(2*(-s(i-1,j)+s(i,j))+2*(-s(i,j-1)+s(i,j))-2*alpha*(- s(i,j)+s(i,j+1))-2*alpha*(-s(i,j)+s(i+1,j))); gradM(i,j)=gradM(i,j)+beta*(2*(-m(i-1,j)+m(i,j))+2*(-m(i,j-1)+m(i,j)))-2*beta*(-m(i,j)+m(i,j+1))-2*beta*(- m(i,j)+m(i+1,j))+2*(Ix(i,j)*c(i,j)+Ixz(i,j)*c(i,j) +2*(Ixx(i,j)*c(i,j)^2*m(i,j)+Iy(i,j)*s(i,j)+Iyz(i,j)*s(i,j)+2*Ixy(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)+2*Iyy(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)^2)*(Iz(i,j)+Izz( i,j)+Ix(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)+Ixz(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j) +Ixx(i,j)*c(i,j)^2*m(i,j)^2+Iy(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)+Iyz(i,j)*m(i,j)*s(i,j)+Ixy(i,j)*c(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j)+Iyy(i,j)*m(i,j)^2*s(i,j)^2 )); end
All methods need couple of unknown parameters which need to be selected by an educated guess. (Condor to the rescue) All the image derivatives and gradients are calculated in a linear manner.
Takes about 45min (highend algorithms take around 20sec…)
The Ground Truth.