Español 1 lunes el 3 de noviembre Daily Warm-Up (get new sheet) Picture Cards Practice 2.2 Notes: Asking what people like 4 square vocab sheet (4 likes/4 dislikes) Tarea (HW): -Finish 4 square sheet (if not done) -Study your vocab 2.2…QUIZ IS WEDNESDAY! YOU NEED THE BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish1 lunes 11/3 Number your paper 1-4. Match the question to the answer: 1.____¿Qué día es hoy? 2.____¿Cómo es Jorge? 3.____¿De dónde eres? 4.____¿Cómo se llama ella? a.Es alto y guapo. b.Soy de Puerto Rico. c.Hoy es lunes. d.Se llama Rita.
Español 2 lunes el 3 de noviembre Daily Warm-Up (get new sheet) 7.2 Test Study Guide Tarea (HW): Review vocab 7.2 & chapter notes – Feelings, advice, commands (+/-) *Test Wednesday* YOU NEED THE BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish2 lunes 11/3 Match the problem with what is hurting each person. 1.____ Rosa no puede hablar. 2.____Pablo no puede correr. 3.____Juan no puede leer. 4.____ Sara no puede pensar (think). a.Le duelen las piernas. b.Le duelen los ojos. c.Le duele la cabeza. d.Le duele la boca.
Test Topics & Format Topics: Vocab 7.2 (and review 7.1) Giving advice (should/shouldn’t) Feelings phrases Talking about what hurts (duele/n) Informal commands (+/-) Format: 4 Sentence translations using should/shouldn’t 5 matching with what hurts and what someone can’t do 4 fill in with feelings verbs 3 positive & 3 negative commands (reg. & irreg.) 2 questions about pronoun placement in commands
Español 1 martes el 4 de noviembre ELECECTION DAY/NO CLASSES Tarea (HW): BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 martes 11/4
Español 2 martes el 4 de noviembre ELECECTION DAY/NO CLASSES Tarea (HW): YOU NEED THE BOOK!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 martes 11/4
Español 1 miércoles el 5 de noviembre Daily Warm-up CLICKER QUIZ: vocab 2.2 Practica Packet: Cap. 2 Vocab. 2 Pick up and begin working silently at your seat after quiz. Tarea (HW): -Finish packet (if not done) -Continue to review vocab 2.2 BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 miércoles 11/5 *Cross out Tuesday’s warm-up (martes 11/4)* Quick Pre-Quiz Review: 1.Get out and go over your picture cards. 2.Review pink vocab sheet Now take about 5-10 minutes to quiz your seat mate!
Español 2 miércoles el 5 de noviembre Daily Warm-up & Collect study guide TEST: 7.2 Pick up & Define 8.1 vocab sheet -Use pg. 301 in textbook Tarea (HW): -Finish vocab sheet (if not done) -Study new vocab terms 8.1. *Vocab Quiz in about a week* BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 miércoles 11/5 *Cross out Tuesday’s warm-up (martes 11/4)* Quick Pre-Test Review: 1.Quiz yourself or your seat mate 2.Look over vocab for 7.2 & Review class notes and Study Guide *Turn in Study Guide before test!!
Español 1 jueves el 6 de noviembre Daily Warm-up & Quiz (if you were absent) Check in packet (Cap.2 Voc.2 practica) Find & Fix any mistakes Notes: Nouns & Articles pg. 60 Do the practice charts on the back on your own Tarea (HW): -Review Q & A notes and today’s noun notes. BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 jueves 11/6 Using your notes from Monday, explain when you would use the phrases: 1.Me gusta… 2.Me gustan…
Español 2 jueves el 6 de noviembre Daily Warm-up & Test (if absent Wed.) Check in & go over vocab 8.1 Picture Cards 8.1 Review Numbers pg. 276 ¿Cuánto cuesta? worksheet Tarea (HW): -Study new vocab 8.1 (Quiz next week) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 jueves 11/6 Look at your new vocab list and write the Spanish verbs related to shopping. If the word is old, look it up in the book! 1.To cost 2.To return 3.To buy (not on current list) 4.To wear 5.To go shopping (not on current list)
Español 1 viernes el 7 de noviembre New Seats Daily Warm-up & collect Practica: Nouns sheet Película: La Misma Luna Tarea (HW): -Study your Notes: Q & A and Nouns BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 viernes 11/7 Practica: Nouns Complete the worksheet at your seat using yesterday’s notes!
Español 2 viernes el 7 de noviembre New Seats Daily Warm-up & collect ¿Cuánto cuesta?/La Ropa worksheets Staple them together when you finish Película: Casi Casi Tarea (HW): - Finish worksheets (cuanto cuesta y la ropa) -Study vocab 8.1….QUIZ WEDNESDAY!! BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 viernes 11/7 Read silently: “Costar, numbers to one million” on pg. 276 (all bullet points 1-5)