Presentations about STIMULATE 08 Brussels, Belgium December 2008 Bahiru Shifaw Yimer, Assistant Librarian, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia address:
Summary of the STIMULATE 08 Program Library visits to gain practical experience of how they actually work Presentation of information in a scientific environment Elementary statistics for effective library and information service management CDS/ISIS, ABCD and other softwares for library automation Greenstone software for digitizing libraries HTML and XML for developing web pages Citation analysis, network and graph theory Copyright, inter lending and document supply Developing a business plan for libraries
Weak Points and Suggestions to Improve the Organization of the Program Handouts and manuals of some of the courses are given late. It is better to prepare earlier and give prior to the start of the program The time given for library visit is not enough It is good to include courses on network administration and management to make information professionals all rounded so that they can deal with databases and web pages efficiently
Strong Points of the Organization of the Program Coordination of students as well as timely information about changes to the schedule of the program provided by Alexander Coppens with his decent and interesting behavior Provision of computers and network infrastructure not only in the classrooms but also in the living rooms
Best Components of the Contents of the Program All courses are best components
Not so Good Components of the Contents of the Program One day long class by the same lecturer
Recommendation for the Management of my Institution Developing websites not only for the library but also for the institution itself Initiation and establishment of consortium Designing and incorporating information literacy program to the curriculum of the institution Automation and digitization of the library Wiki Institutional repository
Finally, I would like to thank The government of Belgium Paul P. Nieuwenhuysen (Coordinator and Director) Lecturers VLIRUOS Scholarship Team Stimulate 8 Students