GEO-BOWL All Grades “We play mind games.”
This part of a map tells what the map is about. Title
Bowl shaped area of land surrounded by higher land Basin
A very tall hill; highest land on earth Mountain
This part of the map is a pointer that shows the four cardinal directions. Compass rose
Narrower part of an ocean or lake that cuts into land bay
Narrow channel or path through a mountain range Mountain pass
Narrow waterway dug across land mainly for ship travel canal
Long row of mountains Mountain range
Steep narrow valley with high sides Canyon
What are the four cardinal directions? North, South, East and West
Steep falling of water from a higher to a lower place Waterfall
Place where a river empties into another body of water mouth
What are the intermediate directions? Pointers halfway between the cardinal directions (Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest)
Steep wall of rock or earth, sometimes called a bluff Cliff
Any of the four (or five) largest bodies of water on Earth Ocean
A small drawing or field of color on a map that stands for something else. Symbol
Land at the edge of a large body of water such as an ocean Coast
Pointed top of a mountain Peak
This part of the map tells what each symbol on the map stands for. Key
Area of flat land along an ocean or sea Coastal plain
Land with water on three sides Peninsula
Triangle shaped area of land at the mouth of a river Delta
This type of map shows routes between towns and cities in a state or country. Road map
This part of a map allows you to estimate real distance on the map. Scale
Very large area of flat land Plain
Very dry, barren land without trees Desert
A small map found within a main map, which shows where the subject of the main map can be found in a larger area Locator
High, wide area of flat land, with steep sides Plateau
Area along which rivers form waterfalls or rapids as the rivers drop to lower land Fall line
The height of land about sea level is called its ________. Elevation
Large area of flat land, with few ore no trees, similar to a plain Prairie
Flat land, near a river, that is formed by dirt left by floods Floodplain
A small map within a main map, used to show details not possible to be seen on the larger map. inset
This type of map shows the world’s or a country’s time zones. Time zone map
Large stream of water leading to a lake, other river, or ocean River
Hilly land at the bottom of a mountain foothills
The half spheres that Earth is commonly divided into. Hemispheres
Land at a river’s edge Riverbank
Giant sheet of ice that moves very slowly across land Glacier
The United States (and Indiana) are located in what two hemispheres. Northern and Western
Large body of water somewhat smaller than an ocean Sea
This type of map shows landforms and bodies of water. Physical map
Body of water, smaller than a bay, with land around part of it Gulf
An ocean’s surface, compared to which land can be measured either above or below Sea level
Sheltered body of water where ships safely tie up to land harbor
Place where a river begins Source
Which of the imaginary lines used to help find locations on Earth run east to west? They measure degreed north and south a location is. They run parallel to the equator. Lines of latitude or parallels Why are they called parallels?
Hill Rounded land higher than the land around it
Very shallow water covering low land filled with trees and other plants Swamp
Narrow strip of water running from a large body of water either into land or between islands Inlet
What line of latitude is located at 0°? Equator
Stream or river that runs into a larger river Tributary
Land with water all around it Island
Low land between mountains or hills Valley
This type of map shows locations of countries, states, and cities. Political map
Large body of water with land all or nearly all around it Lake
What are the imaginary lines used to help us find locations on Earth that run in a north-south direction? They measure how many degrees east or west a location is. Lines of longitude or meridians
Mountain with an opening at the top, formed by violent bursts of steam and hot rock Volcano
Flat-topped hill, with steep sides Mesa
The line of longitude that is at 0° is called __________. Prime meridian