Learning Outcomes Identify safety issues unique to local and rural areas. Identify common challenges to improving road safety. Explain why road agencies and others should continually strive to improve road safety. Describe the role of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan.
Rural and Local Road Safety The Problem Rural and Local Road Safety
Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade
Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade Roadway Geometry- Approaching Curve Near Bottom Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade
Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade Roadway Geometry- Upgrade View from Center of Curve Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade
Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade Truck at Final Rest Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade
Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade View of Truck During Removal Process Roadway Geometry- Top of Grade
Background In Wisconsin: 83% of lane-miles are on county and local roads Only 40% of the vehicle miles travelled occur on county and local roads.
Wisconsin Fatal Crashes by Year and Location, 1999 to 2008 Background Wisconsin Fatal Crashes by Year and Location, 1999 to 2008 Source: Wisconsin DOT
More than 75% of Wisconsin fatalities occur on rural roads. Background More than 75% of Wisconsin fatalities occur on rural roads. Source: Wisconsin DOT
Wisconsin Fatal Crashes by Road System Background Wisconsin Fatal Crashes by Road System Source: Wisconsin DOT
Background Wisconsin Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled by Year and Location, 2003 to 2008 Source: Wisconsin DOT
State Strategic Highway Safety Plan Did You Know Your State Has a Strategic Highway Safety Plan? How Does it Affect You?
State Strategic Highway Safety Plan Wisconsin Focus Areas 1. Increase Safety Belt Use 2. Improve Design/Operation of Intersections 3. Create a More Effective Safety Management System 4. Reduce Speed-Related Crashes 5. Reduce Impaired Driving 6 and 9. Keep Vehicles on the Road and Minimize Consequences of Leaving The Roadway 7. Design Safer Work Zones 8. Reduce Head-On and Cross-Median Crashes 10. Increase Driver Safety Awareness
What are Potential Safety Issues? Narrow roadway Pavement markings Poor stopping sight distance Steep side slopes Gravel and stones on the roadway 2-16
What are Potential Safety Issues? Water on roadway No shoulder/edgeline 2-17
What are Potential Safety Issues? Bleeding pavement Lack of delineation 2-18
What are Potential Safety Issues? Trees in clear zone Limited sight distance Lack of signs and delineation 2-19
What are Potential Safety Issues? Fixed objects in clear zone Unrecoverable steep side slopes 2-20
What are Potential Safety Issues? Bridge structure is a fixed object 2-21
What are Potential Safety Issues? Pavement edge drop-off 2-22
What are Potential Safety Issues? Faded pavement markings Concrete fixed object What are Potential Safety Issues? 2-23
What are Potential Safety Issues? Deteriorated sign retroreflectivity 2-24
What are Potential Safety Issues? Fence blocks sidewalk path 2-25
Road Users
Challenges to Road Safety Limited… Budgets Staffing Time Crash data Traffic and road information Understanding or awareness of safety issues Training In addition to… Lack of coordination between agencies Competing priorities Politics Staff turnover Empowerment
Ways to Overcome Some Challenges Develop safety awareness Identify what to look for Identify simple, low cost ways to improve road safety Incorporate safety into the “Big Picture”
REVIEW What are some of the safety issues that can occur in rural areas? Drainage Steep drop-offs Trees close to the roadway Poor lighting Sharp curves Steep hills Inadequate signage
REVIEW Name some common challenges to improving road safety. Limited budget and resources Inadequate crash data Lack of coordination between departments/staff Limited understanding of safety issues Limited training Politics
REVIEW What is the purpose of a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)? Each state is required to have a SHSP, which includes engineering, management, education, enforcement, and emergency service elements of highway safety as key factors in evaluating highway safety projects.
REVIEW How does the condition of the roadside potentially increase the chances of a crash? A roadside with numerous fixed objects and/or steep side slopes means that the vehicle will strike something or roll over before it can be stopped or re-directed. A safe roadside allows the driver to safely stop the vehicle or get back on the roadway.
The Need for Road Safety Questions? ACTIVITY Ask if there are any questions before continuing.