Presented by Dr. Vivian G. Baglien
Art Deco Art Deco houses often have these features: two stories stucco walls, painted white or light pastels glass blocks Steel casement windows small round windows curved corner walls concrete basement walls
Art Deco Interiors Deco ornamentation consists of low-relief geometrical designs, often with parallel straight lines, zigzags, chevrons, and stylized floral motives Modern Art Deco Traditional Art Deco
Bungalows Original design from India Later became popular in California and style moved uncommonly eastward. Popular in Midwest in from 1910 to 1930’s Can now be found almost anywhere in US. Many bungalows found in NE Seattle on 15 th NE.
Bungalow styles Seattle, WA. Auburn, WA
California Ranch Long rectangular-shaped, single- story or split-level houses Common in the suburbs of the late 1950s and 1960s. Have very low pitched or hipped roofs, One- or two-car attached garages.
Cape Cod Popular after WWII. Called GI house. 1.5 stories, small pitched roofs Dormer windows in roof line Wide wooden clapboard. Later might be covered with aluminum siding. Garages detached or attached.
Cape Cod Styles
Elizabethan, Half-Timbered, or Tudor Revival stories steep gabled roofs half-timbering and stucco small leaded glass windows
French Provincial French windows or shutters High, steep hipped or gable roof. Balanced appearance windows Second story window through the cornice Can be expensive- Use copper, slate or brick
French Provincial Examples
Gothic Revival High pointed arched windows, combined with towers and gabled roofs Lacy bargeboard Large verandas or porches Bay and oriel windows.
New England Style Stories with a gable Symmetrical placement of windows and doors Classical features: shuttered windows, columns, cornices. Plain rectangular shape
Neo-Eclectic Styles Arrived on housing scene in 1980’s High roofs with complex angles and shapes (cost 50% more than low- pitched roofs) Multi stories two or three garages; Away from street for expensive houses Dark earthy colors in paints and stains rustic look,
Neo-Eclectic Styles Continued Inside vaulted and high ceilings (9 feet) Open floor plan: kitchen, dining, and family areas together Arts & crafts exterior (brackets under the eaves, field stones, stucco) and interior (natural wood beams, paneling, rustic elements) Log cabin style (exterior and interior) reflecting the rustic theme (cost percent more) 19th century features: high ceilings, porches, steep gables, especially over windows
Neo-Eclectic Styles
Prairie Houses 2 stories Broad hipped, or gabled roofs Overhanging eaves Casement Windows Enclosed porches Rectangular shape
Queen Anne Houses Steep gabled roofs decorated with half timbering or wooden relief decorations in the gable ends. Large corbelled chimneys Many balconies Vertical stained-glass windows Huge porches numerous Massive cut stone foundations
Queen Anne Houses
Spanish Colonial 1-2 stories Spanish clay tile roofs with low pitch Plain white stucco walls often with arched openings Wooden beams
Extended Learning Possibility Take a minimum of 8 pictures from area homes that depict the different styles found in this presentation. Each picture must represent a different housing style or even combination of styles. Note the city, style(s) and date of photo. Write a descriptive paragraph about each noting the defining characteristics of that style of housing. Bind in 3 hole binder with cover page or may do a power point. Points possible 2 extended learning's or 50 points. Extended learning forms are available on Dr. Baglien’s Web site under extended learning's- documents. Extended learning's are due for extra credit points on June 8 th.
References Mouser, J. (2007) American architectural housing styles an internet hotlist on housing styles as retrieved May 11, 2011 from Howe, J. (2000) A digital archive of American architecture as retrieved May 11, 2011 from Vogeler, I., (1997) Architectural styles as retrieved May 11, 2011 from