Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call April 21, 2015
Audio Difficulties Louisiana Believes If you are experiencing audio difficulties, please make sure that your speakers are on and that your volume is at a suitable level. If you are still experiencing difficulties, click the phone icon on the ribbon at the top of your screen, and choose the Dial-out feature. This will link your phone with your user ID.
Louisiana Believes Objective: These contact calls bring together LEA coordinators for the purpose of planning for and implementing statewide assessment programs within local education agencies. Who: District Test Coordinators, District Technology Coordinators, and Accountability Contacts Topics: 1.Assessment 2.Accountability Archives: Welcome
Projected Call DatesProjected Call Topics April 21, 2015Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings May 12, 2015 *New Date May Checklist Pupil Progression Plan Personally Identifiable Information (PII) End-of-Year Survey Accountability Clean-Up June 2, 2015 Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Summer EOC administration Scope and Sequence
Louisiana Believes Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
Assessment Monthly Checklist Louisiana Believes To assist district and school leaders with preparations for upcoming state assessments, particularly PARCC, the Department created an Assessment Readiness Checklist.Assessment Readiness Checklist Available in the assessment library, the Month-by-Month Checklist: Outlines all monthly action steps to prepare to administer PARCC, as well as other statewide assessments Links all supporting resources for each step Recommends resources to share with principals and teachers
April and May Communication Louisiana Believes Apr 21 and May 12: Monthly assessment and accountability call for district test coordinators and accountability contactsMonthly assessment and accountability call Ensure teachers, principals, and district leaders participate in PARCC Office Hours each Thursday at 11 and 4PARCC Office Hours
April Assessment Preparation and Administration Louisiana Believes Apr 2: Submit completed EOC testing schedules to Apr 2: Deadline to order additional materials for LEAP/iLEAP science and social studies Apr 6-17: EOC registration window Apr 13-17: LAA 2 assessment administration Apr 14-15: LEAP/iLEAP science and social studies administration Apr 22-May 22: EOC testing window Apr 24: Deadline to order additional materials for PARCC EOY Apr 28: Makeup test date for ACT Apr 29: Makeup test date for WorkKeys (PBT)
May Assessment Preparation and Administration May 4-7: PARCC EOY Math and ELA administration May 4-15: Advanced Placement (AP) testing window May 15: Deadline for online WorkKeys and CLEP administration May 29: Deadline for DIBELS end of year assessment Late May: ELDA, LAA 1, LAA 2, LEAP/iLEAP science and social studies results available Louisiana Believes
Communication and Support Multiple avenues exist to acquire information and/or receive assistance during Spring test administrations: Assessment Hotline District staff are encouraged to call the hotline if they have questions that require immediate assistance. Hotline availability: March 2 – May :30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. All stakeholders are encouraged to questions and/or concerns to
Communication Plan Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
PARCC: Communication and Resources Weekly PARCC Office Hours Purpose: Dedicated time to answer educator questions related to the PARCC assessments When: Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Access: Join the PARCC Office Hours Key Resources Available PARCC Practice Tests and Guidance PARCC FAQ Document Assessment Guides Month-by-Month Assessment Checklist Parent Engagement Guide Louisiana Assessment Calendar Limited English Proficient (LEP) Checklist Test Coordinator and Administrator Manuals and Louisiana Addendum on eDIRECTeDIRECT Louisiana Believes
PARCC Phase II (EOY) Phase I During Phase II Testing The deadline to submit requests for Phase I (PBA) Testing during Phase II (EOY) is April 24 th. Submit the form along with documentation to LDE via secure to The deadline to order additional materials, including Phase I materials, is April 24 th. Submit additional materials order forms to DRC. For students who responded to portions of a single subject on two different consumable test booklets during the PARCC Phase I (PBA) test, complete a request for merge of Phase I (PBA) scores. Submit merge forms to DRC. All forms are located on eDIRECT.eDIRECT MP3 and Text-to-Speech Accommodated Materials For LEAs that placed orders for MP3 and/or text-to-speech accommodated materials, these files will be available on the SFTP site by April 23. District test coordinators will receive an with passwords and notification of availability. Louisiana Believes
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: Without testing seals, how can I make sure that students are stopping at the appropriate place at the end of each unit? Guidance and Recommendation(s): Page 16 in each TAM provides instructions for teachers to post a “STOP” and “GO ON” sign on the board for reference during instructions. The student test booklet provide instructions for stopping at the end of each unit, including a stop sign to signal the end of a unit An example stop sign available in the test administrator manual shall be posted in the room. Some schools or districts directed TA’s to place a colored sheet of paper at the end of the unit to provide an additional signal of stopping point for students. The LDOE developed a page number reference sheet located available in the assessment library for use during PARCC Phase II EOY Testing. *As in prior years, seals cannot be used with the scanners that process answer materials containing student responses. Louisiana Believes 15
PARCC EOY Calculator Considerations Important Note: 7 th Grade math will be the only grade level with a split calculator section during Unit 1 of the PARCC Math EOY test. Louisiana Believes 16 PARCC EOY Subject and Grade Unit Section Unit Testing Time (Minutes) Mathematics Grade 6 EOY Unit 1 Non-calculator 80 Unit 2 Calculator 75 Mathematics Grade 7 EOY Unit 1 Non-calculator 80 Calculator Unit 2 Calculator 75 Mathematics Grade 8 EOY Unit 1 Non-calculator 80 Unit 2 Calculator 75 ELA/Literacy Grade 6 EOY ELA/Literacy Grade 7 EOY ELA/Literacy Grade 8 EOY Unit 1 60 Unit 2 60
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: How can I ensure that students effectively transition from the non-calculator section of the math test to the calculator section of the test? Guidance and Recommendation(s): As noted on the previous slide, the 7 th grade math test will be the only grade level with a calculator transition within a unit during the EOY test. Page 49 of the TAM provides the teacher with scripted instructions for making the calculator transition. The student test booklet provides students with the process to transition to the calculator portion of the test at the end of the non-calculator section. Some schools and districts chose to clip the pages of the non-calculator section after students received a calculator to ensure students did not go back into the previous section of the test booklet. Because the test is timed, some schools or districts directed teachers to use totes or baskets to facilitate the calculator handout process. Louisiana Believes 17
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: How can I ensure my TAs and students understand what stray marks are and avoid making these in the test booklet? The test administrator manual specifically states no stray marks. Guidance and Recommendation(s): Stray marks refer to marks that are around machine-scored bubble areas and could result in a scoring error. (See the example below.) The PARCC FAQ and Assessment Guides provide detailed guidance on how students may mark or annotate in the test booklets.PARCC FAQ Assessment Guides Test administrators should clarify for students acceptable and not acceptable marks. Louisiana Believes 18 This is acceptable because the student has avoided the response area: This is not acceptable because the student has made the mark in the response area:
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: What is the difference between a provided tool and an allowable tool? Guidance and Recommendation(s): During the PARCC math test there are two types of mathematics tools available for students. Page of the TAMs provides details on both types of items. 1. Provided Tools – These items, such as rulers and protractors, will be included in the materials shipment. Items provided at each grade level must be used as noted in the TAM. No substitute tools are allowed when provided tools are available at a grade level. 2. Allowable Tools – These items may be used by students, such as protractors at the 8 th grade level, but are not provided by the vendor or required for the test. Louisiana Believes 19
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: How should I direct students to complete the demographic coding without a specific script in the TAM? Guidance and Recommendation(s): The Louisiana Addendum provided a list of demographic sections that needed to be bubbled by students during testing, however a specific script was not provided for teachers to read. Some districts developed scripts that were used by their teachers to guide students through this process. If your district would like a sample of one of these scripts, please Louisiana Believes 20
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: Where do I find the TA manuals with language translations? Guidance and Recommendation(s): The hardcopy version of all TA manuals will be shipped with your testing materials. The TA manuals for other languages are also online at the Pearson Avocet site.Pearson Avocet site Louisiana Believes 21
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: Why is there a separate Louisiana Addendum in addition to the TAMs? Guidance and Recommendation(s): The PARCC TAM’s are standardized documents that ensure each test is administered with fidelity across multiple states. Each state has a personalized addendum which allows for some customization of testing procedures based on state specific policies (e.g. qualifications for test administrators). Examples of Louisiana Specific Items in the Addendum Louisiana Believes 22
Feedback from PARCC Phase I Testing and Recommendations Question: How can I be sure I am sending the correct forms and documentation to the correct entity? Guidance and Recommendation(s): Louisiana Believes 23 Maintain at School or LEA Send to LDOE via Send to DRC*Send to Both the LDOE and DRC* Temporary IAP Form 2014 Temporary IAP Form 2014 Personal Needs Profile (PNP) Personal Needs Profile (PNP) LEP Accommodations Form LEP Accommodations Form IAP Form IEP Form – Maintained in SER Statement of Assurance (Test Security) Statement of Assurance Testing Irregularity Form Testing Irregularity Form Permission to Test in an Alternate Environment Form Permission to Test in an Alternate Environment Form Unique Accommodations Form Unique Accommodations Form Accommodated Materials Order Form Accommodated Materials Order Form Delivery and Return Shipping Forms Phase I Testing During Phase II Form Label Request Forms Additional Materials Forms Merge Request Forms PARCC Phase 1 Testing during Phase 2 Request PARCC Phase 2 Void Verification Form PARCC Phase 1 & Phase 2 Void Notification Form Soiled Document Form
Louisiana Believes Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
Key Dates Apr 20-24: Districts receive shipments for ACT and WorkKeys makeup testing Apr 30: ACT and WorkKeys test materials picked up at district office May 8: Deadline for ACT to receive all answer documents from schools; late arriving documents will not be scored ACT Accountability Coding in EOC System The window is Apr 6 through May 22. For additional information, see page 66 in the EOC test coordinator manual.EOC test coordinator manual ACT and WorkKeys Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
EOC Communication Plan Louisiana Believes If a school experiences technical problems during EOC testing, the reporting protocol below should be followed within the school and district. Technical problems include, but are not limited to, problems connecting to the EOC Tests system, a lost connection to the EOC Tests server, the inability to load test items, and missing buttons. The EOC Help Desk is available to assist districts with technology specific questions and/or issues
EOC Scoring and Reports Louisiana Believes Reports for all subjects will be available two to four days after a student completes all three sessions of a test. Rescore deadline 1 is June 1; these rescore results will be received prior to the June 2015 Retest administration. Rescore deadline 2 is June 22 for scores to be returned in July. Parents and students may request the rescoring of an EOC test if the test is high stakes and the student’s scale score is within 10 points of the Fair achievement level or within 20 points on the English II or II assessments. As previously available on GEE and in response to district feedback, automatic rescores will be processed for 12 th graders who receive a Needs Improvement on an EOC test. Score must be within 10 points of the Fair achievement level for non-ELA subjects and 20 points of Fair for ELA Graduates should be tested early in the window DTCs will be notified of any rescore results Additional information about the Rescoring Process and the Request for Rescoring form are available on the EOC Tests homepage under the Test Coordinator Materials tab.
EOC Accountability Louisiana Believes Accountability Codes If a student exits (withdraws) from school before or during testing, SIS Exit Reason Codes should be entered in the appropriate fields of the EOC online system. The complete list of Accountability Codes and Descriptions is available on the EOC homepage.Accountability Codes and Descriptions Directions for utilizing the accountability coding feature is available in the test coordinator manual on page 60. Third-Year Cohort Rosters Third-year cohort rosters are available in the district FTP site. These are students in their third year without English II and/or Algebra I scores. These students must either be entered and receive the appropriate accountability codes or be tested. Directions for third-year cohort rosters are available
EOC Administration Alerts EOCs should be scheduled with sufficient time for completion (e.g., students should have at least the recommended time remaining before the end of the school day). Only students with the designated accommodation Extended Time will be allowed to exit out of a test session and complete it at a later time within the same day. Students returning to complete a testing session should be monitored for interaction with other students during the testing break. The one-day policy for completing test sessions applies to all subjects and test sessions. Testing irregularities that raise questions regarding test security or accuracy of test data may result in a test being voided. Voids must be submitted to the LDOE at by Friday of each scheduled testing week using the Void Verification Verification form Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
Test Security Test Security Training Anyone with access to secure test materials must have been trained in test security prior to the assessment administration. Reporting Issues District Test Coordinators should utilize or the assessment hotline at to report test security issues during Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
LAA 2 Phase Out Beginning in summer 2015, the LAA 2 assessment will be transitioned to a district administered assessment much like GEE. District Test Coordinators will receive, via the FTP, secure electronic forms for English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies LAA 2 tests in early June. Administration must be offered during the summer of 2014 and a minimum of twice during the school year. There is no age limit for retesters. All test security procedures in Chapter 3, Bulletin 118 apply to statewide assessments administered by LEAs. Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
Special Education Graduation Waivers Spring 2015 Special Education Graduation Waivers Waiver decisions will be ed securely to superintendents, district test coordinators, and special education directors by May 1. Summer 2015 Special Education Graduation Waivers June 3: Deadline to submit application and documentation The Graduation Waiver Packet for is available in the Assessment Library.Graduation Waiver Packet Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
English Language Learners For English Language Learners (ELL) exit criteria for students in grades 3-8 districts shall: Consider students scoring a 5 on the ELDA to be English proficient and eligible for exiting LEP status. For students scoring a 4 on the ELDA until PARCC results are received: Continue LEP classification Base provision of services decisions on locally determined resources such as ELA grades, teacher input, classroom assessments, and/or or SBLC decisions. Use current exit policy when grades 3-8 ELA and math results are available. LDOE will also use current policy for determination of AMAO1 and AMAO2. Education Finance will be asked to make Title III funding decisions on 2/1 counts. Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
Cohort Graduation Data Review In January-February 2015, LDOE hosted an online data certification process that provided districts with the opportunity to review cohort graduation data and request changes. The rosters, downloadable from the online system during data review and available by request through the FTP, included cohort membership determination dates, type of exit for each student at the end of the four-year cohort period, as well as corresponding index points assigned to each cohort member. Rosters, along with approved corrections, can be used to estimate the SPS impact of cohort graduation rate and strength of diploma index using the calculator found on the website: toolbox/school-results toolbox/school-results Formulae for the graduation indices are provided on the following slide. Louisiana Believes
Cohort Graduation Data Indices for SPS Graduation Index (25%) Points HS Diploma plus (a) AP score of at least 3 OR IB Score of at least 4, CLEP of at least 50 (b) Advanced statewide Jump Start credential *Students achieving both (a) and (b) will generate 160 points. 150 HS Diploma plus (a) BESE-Approved Industry Based Certification OR Dual Enrollment OR AP score of 1 or 2 and passing grade for course OR IB score of 1, 2, or 3 and passing grade for course (b) Basic statewide Jump Start credential *Students achieving both (a) and (b) will generate 115 points. 110 Regular HS Diploma100 GED25 Non-graduate without GED/Certificate of Achievement 0 5th Year Graduate plus AP score of at least 3 OR IB Score of at least th Year Graduates75 6 th Year Graduates50 Cohort Graduation Rate (CGR) (25%) Formula Used 0 – 60%CGR × – 80%(CGR × 2) - 50 Louisiana Believes
Cohort Graduation Data Feedback Checklist Louisiana Believes The LDOE identified some common data correction submissions that resulted from incomplete or incorrect processes for: Exiting students in the student information system (SIS) Posting course types/graduation dates on transcripts in Student Transcript System (STS) Identifying summer graduates in SIS and STS Submitting credits for Industry Based Certifications (IBC) in CATE Incomplete or incorrect documentation of transfer students (SIS) To support the process for submitting data to state information systems: Each district will be provided with a checklist which includes common cohort graduation data issues applicable to the district. The checklist will be ed to district accountability contacts by April 24. LDOE will record a webinar outlining procedures and reports that can decrease the number of corrections submitted in future data certification periods. The webinar will be posted in the accountability library by April 30 th.
Louisiana Believes Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
High School Progress Points: Policy Update 44 Summary Progress points are an important representation of the gains achieved by academically behind students. Refining the policy to recognize the growth of students and schools, while being cognizant of the work already done by educators, is critical. Where possible, aligning the policy to the K-8 framework provides clarity. Previous High School Progress Points Policy More than 30% of the eligible students Students score at the top of the expected score range or above (ACT series) 0.1 points per student for previous scores of Approaching Basic/Fair, 0.2 points per student for previous scores of Unsatisfactory/Needs Improvement Updated High School Progress Points Policy More than 50% of the eligible students Multiple Opportunities: Can earn points on either EXPLORE to PLAN and/or PLAN to ACT Expected Growth: Students score above the median of the expected range 0.05 per student for previous scores of Approaching Basic/Fair, 0.1 per student for previous scores of Unsatisfactory/Needs Improvement Or Meet the standards of the current policy, whichever is higher in points.
Louisiana Believes Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver LEAs interested in using an assessment other than DIBELS Next for grades K-3 during the school year may apply for a waiver; SRCL LEAs may also apply for a STEEP waiver. LEAs receiving a DIBELS Next waiver must adhere to the administration and reporting deadlines below. The deadline to apply for the waiver is May 8, 2015; the LEA Superintendent will receive notice of the decision by June 30, For DIBELS Next and STEEP waiver applications, please contact For other questions regarding DIBELS Next, please contact for other questions regarding STEEP, please contact Louisiana Believes DIBELS Next Benchmark Assessment Collection Beginning of the DIBELS Next Assessment Window Length of the DIBELS Next Assessment Window Timeline for Entering Data into the DIBELS Data System Reporting Deadline Fall week after the starting date of school Three weeks or 15 school days Within two weeks after the assessment period ends September 30, 2015 Winter week after students return from winter break February 19, 2016 Spring weeks before students last day of school May 30, 2016
Louisiana Believes Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
Placement Tests The Iowa Test Complete Battery Form C placement test can be used to assist LEAs with the placement of students. Administration Placement tests may be administered at any time to students seeking enrollment in grades 5 or 9 who have not previously participated in state assessments. In this transition year, districts may use placement tests but may also use local assessments and transcripts to determine placement. Materials Materials will be shipped to District Test Coordinators. Additional materials should be ordered directly from Riverside Publishing. Unused materials are to be returned to Riverside Publishing by mid-February. For more information, contact or Kim LeSage at Louisiana Believes
Closing out Tests April and May Checklists PARCC Phase II (EOY) ACT and WorkKeys End of Course (EOC) Test Security LAA 2 Phase Out Other Special Education Graduation Waivers English Language Learners (ELL) Graduation Cohort High School Progress Points Update Preparing for Tests DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Placement Tests Other July Assessment Planning Meetings Agenda
July Assessment Planning Meeting District Test Coordinators are invited to attend the July face-to-face Assessment Planning Meeting. Registration will be available in Coursewhere by May 1.Coursewhere Agenda topics: test security transition to GUID system accountability Anticipated Dates and Locations: Thursday, July 16th in Harvey Monday, July 20 th in Baton Rouge Tuesday, July 21 st in Baton Rouge Thursday, July 23 rd in Jena Louisiana Believes
Next Steps Louisiana Believes ActionKey Dates End of Course (EOC) AdministrationApril 22- May 22, 2015 Request for PARCC Phase I testing during Phase II deadlineApril 24, 2015 Deadline to order additional materials for PARRCC Phase II (EOY) April 24, 2015 ACT Makeup DateApril 28, 2015 WorkKeys (PBT) Makeup DateApril 29, 2015 Cohort Graduation Rate Review WebinarApril 30, 2015 PARCC Phase II (EOY) AdministrationMay 4-8, 2015 DIBELS Next and STEEP Waiver Application deadlineMay 8, 2015 Deadline for CLEP and WorkKeys CBT administrationMay 15, 2015 For more information, contact Next call: May 12, 2015 *New