The Hills of California Spring of 2007 Sherann & Bruce on a road trip to San Luis Obispo
Oak trees were just starting to bud out near San Luis Obispo
Early spring grass was starting to turn the hills green
Great day for a bird bath on the Parkfield road
Interesting water sculpture in the town of Parkfield
The oldest fence in California
Lava rock outcrop on Parkfield Mountain
Oak trees clinging to the steep slopes
It was a hard winter for this old guy
From the top of Parkfield Mt looking towards the dry San Bernadino range to the south
More interesting lava outcroppings
Gentle hills at the north end of Peachtree Valley
Weather worn old hills on the east side of Hwy 25
Great shadows in the afternoon light near the Pinnacles Nat Monument
Happy horses in the hills near Palo Alto
Top of the Coastal Range looking south
Lush green hills above Stanford
Looking down on Stanford Univ with San Francisco Bay in the background - Hoover Tower is near the center