Planning and Funding Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects Initial planning and feasibility studiesInitial planning and feasibility studies Securing rights-of-waySecuring rights-of-way DesignDesign ConstructionConstruction On-road and off-road projectsOn-road and off-road projects
TIP Funding Programs Federal and state funds, programmed by the MPOFederal and state funds, programmed by the MPO STP – Surface Transportation ProgramSTP – Surface Transportation Program Transportation EnhancementsTransportation Enhancements CMAQ – Congestion Mitigation and Air QualityCMAQ – Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Require 10% matchRequire 10% match Projects managed by MassHighwayProjects managed by MassHighway For final design and construction*For final design and construction*
Ch. 90 Traditionally used to maintain and reconstruct local roads.Traditionally used to maintain and reconstruct local roads. 100% reimbursable program100% reimbursable program Wellesley: $503,511 in FY2007Wellesley: $503,511 in FY2007 Eligible uses include planning, design, and construction of on- and off-road bikeway projects (except for feasibility studies).Eligible uses include planning, design, and construction of on- and off-road bikeway projects (except for feasibility studies). Administered by MassHighway—contact your district office for information (Walter Kubik, Manager, District 4)Administered by MassHighway—contact your district office for information (Walter Kubik, Manager, District 4)
Community Preservation Act An elective property tax surcharge up to 3%An elective property tax surcharge up to 3% Minimum of 10% each must be used for:Minimum of 10% each must be used for: –Acquisition and preservation of open space –Creation and support of affordable housing –Acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and landscapes State matches 100%State matches 100% Flexibility in use of funds, local controlFlexibility in use of funds, local control
DCR Recreational Trails Grants Due October 2 Provides funding for a variety of trail protection, construction, and stewardship projects throughout Massachusetts. Funded through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) challenge grants. A cash match; "in-kind match" in the form of materials, labor, and in-kind services; or a combination of both is permitted. $2,000 to $50,000. Amounts greater than $50,000 will be considered for larger projects with statewide or regional significance. 30% to motorized trail use, 30% for non-motorized projects, and 40% for projects that facilitate diverse trail uses. Projects must be primarily recreation- rather than transportation-oriented. Contact Paul Jahnige at DCR.
TOD Infrastructure and Housing Support Program (“TOD Bond Program”) MBTA and the Office of Commonwealth DevelopmentMBTA and the Office of Commonwealth Development $30 million total authorization$30 million total authorization Up to $500,000 for individual bicycle/pedestrian projects. Funds can be used for planning, design, or construction.Up to $500,000 for individual bicycle/pedestrian projects. Funds can be used for planning, design, or construction. $7 million in grants for 2005 ($1 mil for pedestrian projects)$7 million in grants for 2005 ($1 mil for pedestrian projects) Contact Jane Healey at OCDContact Jane Healey at OCD
Safe Routes to School New federal program in SAFETEA-LUNew federal program in SAFETEA-LU Administered through MassRides and EOTAdministered through MassRides and EOT 10%-30% for programs, 70%-90% for infrastructure projects10%-30% for programs, 70%-90% for infrastructure projects Contact Davida Eisenberg at MassRidesContact Davida Eisenberg at MassRides Actual Projected Total Massachusetts$1,000,000$1,752,904$2,353,447$2,912,568$3,642,803$11,661,722