2-D ESPO Algorithm for pedestrian navigation A 2-D Euclidean shortest path with obstacles (ESPO) algorithm for pedestrian navigation was developed. This algorithm can be applied to pedestrian navigation inside open spaces, such as squares, grasslands and big halls. Path generation is based on the Dijkstra algorithm, which is extended to solve the path planning problem not only for path and road networks but also for open spaces, even with obstacles inside. Towards Multi-mode Pedestrian Navigation Using OpenStreetMap Data Jianghua Zheng, Adam Winstanley, Zhangang Zhang, Błażej Ciepłuch, Zheng Pan, Peter Moony, Ricky Jacob, Xiaoyu Chen, Sean Smith and Hao Liu It builds a link-node network, including topological information of open- boundary areas, by representing each open-boundary area as a single point within or on its boundary. A single point is also used to represent adjacent multiple open-boundary areas (named extended open polygons) in the newly-built network. Traditional optimal path planning algorithm, e.g. Dijkstra algorithm, is used at the first level based on the newly-built link-node network. The second level combines this with the optimal path determination through or inside open-boundary areas. The algorithm better solves the cases that the path passing through adjacent open boundary areas and it improves the computing efficiency. Path planning with open boundary areas OpenStreetMap: Good data source for pedestrian navigation, especially for small towns and resorts. Reasons: 1) Totally free. All data are generated by the public with little usage restrictions and no cost. The OSM tools and APIs are powerful but are also free. 2) More vivid map data with various attributes. OSM provide the public a set of powerful tools to render your own style OSM data for your personal map based applications. 3) More fresh data. OSM data is being updated constantly. For example, the OSM data of Ireland is updated weekly. 4) Multiple outputs. It is possible to render various popular formats of data of the same area from the OSM dataset giving flexibility of use. CloudMade and PgRouting: We use third party modules to carry out path planning for pedestrians to understand their advantages and disadvantages. This is helpful to develop our own modules. Own PostGIS-Based pedestrian wayfinding module: We develop a restricted area path planning algorithm as a open source module using java. This module can improve computing efficiency. However, the result might not be the shortest one. Routing in bad weather: People would like to seek a path most possibly inside buildings to avoid rain and wind in most cases. We use dynamic locale weather information from Yahoo weather in the path planning computing. If there are strong wind, people would like to seek path which most possibly has shelter against the wind. We are not working on analysis the result differences on the topic. 1) Multi-lingual route description Besides a route on map displaying before users, it is helpful to describe the route in text. We extended the English route description engine to Chinese service combined and Irish language service is under construction. Research presented in this poster was funded by a Strategic Research Cluster Grant (07/SRC/I1168) by Science Foundation Ireland under the National Development Plan. The authors gratefully acknowledge this support. Multimedia aided pedestrian navigation Human behavior-based smart routing OSM-based routing modules for various terminals Fig.1 Shortest path computed in a walking area Two-Level Path Planning Algorithm A two-level path planning algorithm for 2-D pedestrian navigation with open- boundary areas was proposed as an improved version/extension of the ESPO algorithm. Fig.2 Abstraction of relationships between open polygons 2) Geotagged photography aided navigation When a user is walking around a decision point while he is following an optimal path, it will trigger to show a possible image facing to the user. The photograph IDs are give by nodes IDs from which we can also extract the direction relationship. After it obtains an optimal path, it will retrieve images according to nodes sequence of the path. 3) Haptics aided navigation Pedestrians are easy to lost theirs way while following an optimal path, especially in some places without enough landmarks. Haptics is useful to notify users that they have deviated their way and it’s time to look at the map or possible geotagged photography or other available multimedia help to follow their optimal paths. Fig.3 Multimedia aided pedestrian navigation Fig.4 results of general path planning and smarter routing Pedestrian navigation in an emergency It takes users’ behavior into account and generates life saving optimal paths for users. Fig.5 simulation and guidance under fire inside building using CA module