Elderly pedestrian issues Student :董瑩蟬
Purpose This paper main investigated that some factor effect the pedestrian on the road crossing behavior. To improved the road environment and provide batter road design for pedestrian.
Pedestrian crashes On the 1990 year, it initiated speeding and drink related law, that reduce the pedestrian crashes accident.
Older pedestrian crashes
The “Greying” of society and emerging older road user problem In the future,there are 25% people age over 65 year. (ABS,1999)
Crash causation The older pedestrian has higher crashes risk than other age groups. There some factor involved : The older more frailty than younger. –Many older adult feeling that they drive more safety than used public transport. Because they walking slower and spend longer time to crossing the road. (OECD, 2001) The older reduce with ability to avoid crash
Crash causation The road environment occurred risk for all pedestrian. Driver must share some responsibility for pedestrian crashes on the pedestrian active area. (Job, et al.,1994 ; Oxely et al.,2001) Thompson (1985) found that the driver without check the pedestrian, when they crossing the intersections.
Crash causation Stutts (1996) found that the pedestrian-vehicle crash factor most from driver factors. There include exceeded speed and inattention etc. Job et al.(1994) found that the older pedestrian rely on the driver to stop in from of them. The older adult with crash factor include impair health and performance. (Triggs et al,1994; Oxley,2000) Some study suggest that the older pedestrian more careful thanyounger.(Harrell,1990,1991;ect)
Crash patterns Crash patterns include –At daylight and mortly in cities –At intersections, particularly those without traffic signals –Older less agility –On complex road environments Sheppard et al.(1998) found that the crash factor include reversals, driver stop or change course etc.
Road crossing behavior and crash risk The older declined with perceptual,cognitive and motor ability, those may affect the performance with road crossing and increased crashes risk. The older pedestrian like to stop at the kerb. (Oxely,2000) Carthy et al. (1995) found that the older less consider the far-side oncoming vehicle. Oxley (2000) showed that the older more interaction with far-side vehicle than younger.
Road crossing behavior and crash risk The role of physical impairment in pedestrian crash risk –The older has some restrict in movement, that may affect the detection on the road crossing. –The also has slower walking pace and reduce ability with walking. Centers et al.(2001) showed that the older adult has arthritis, it may effect walking ability.
Road crossing behavior and crash risk The role of cognitive impairment in pedestrian crash risk –Perception and attention were importation for decision the direction and speed. –Pedestrian must to transform attention on the road, because the road environment always change. Carthy et al.(1995) and Oxley (2000) found that the distance information which were decision factor for pedestrian. Oxley also showed that the older has few resources available than younger, so they decline the integrate speed and distance ability.
Road crossing behavior and crash risk Sheppard et al.(1986) found that the older complained the traffic too busy and fast, resulting confusion with older pedestrian. The older pedestrian feeling difficult to discern traffic signs on the intersection. (Retting et al.,1996 ect) The older pedestrian has problems on the undivided road. (Carthy et al.,1995;Oxley,2000) Oxley found that the older pedestrian difficult to selection the time gap on the complex road.
Factor impacting on pedestrian crashes Infrastructure and land use –Some traffic engineers not consider the older pedestrian. Some road improve include: –Re-definition of traffic function of the road –Improvements to pedestrian crossing ability, signals –Use guardrails in the shopping areas –Provide refuges –Provide one-way road –Car-free pedestrian zones –Adequate pedestrian access to public transport
Factor impacting on pedestrian crashes Vehicle design –Improve vehicle design increased pedestrian protection The most problem for pedestrian crashes are the leg injuries. (Isenberg et al.,1998) McFadden (1996) showed that 12% pedestrian crashes related vehicle.
Factor impacting on pedestrian crashes Intelligent transport systems ITS initiatives some issues effect pedestrian safety, which include: Own devices can detect pedestrian to warn driver Own devices can detect vehicle to provide oncoming information for pedestrian The traffic signals can rely pedestrian ability to avoid safety crossing road time
Factor impacting on pedestrian crashes Education and enforcement In the feature, government can consider some legislation, include : Reduction vehicle speed in the higher pedestrian active areas. Not crossing the road near signalised crossing or intersections. Not parking in shopping centre frequented by older pedestrians.
A Strategic Approach
Conclusion The older adult population increased in the future, and the older pedestrian also increased problem to affect road safe. The older pedestrian declined with movement ability, perception, cognitive and muscle-skeleton, those may effect decision and walking pace.
Conclusion The road design often forget the old pedestrian, that increased risk on the road. The pedestrian accident often occurred on the intersection. There are some law restriction which can declined the crashes. Road environment complex confused by the older pedestrian.