Pellet Plant Lay Down DOOR # 1 DOOR # 2 Lay Down
Objectives Relay necessary information of changes to the traffic policy for the Pellet Plant Lay Down Information on the new regulations, controlled areas and any associated hazards. General HSE information
Purpose and Scope To notify employees of the new Traffic Management Policy for the Pellet Plant lay down, pass along main changes and to give full access details of location of the policy in its entirety. To ensure all risks associated with vehicle/equipment traffic interactions with Pedestrians within the Pellet Plant Lay Down are identified and managed to ensure the health and safety of all employees. Protect employees by regulating traffic flow and vehicle and equipment access. To allow the work to proceed safely and efficiently. Facilitate the safe moment of vehicles and equipment within the work zone. Examples of controls could include: Eliminating the need for vehicles to enter area or specific time allowances for entry and exit. Substitution of vehicles. Improving workplace design and layout with walkways and physical barriers. PPE requirement changes. Training. This policy applies to all employees, contractors and sub-contractors
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Area designations 3.Responsibilities 4.Building access 5.Emergency information 6.Lay Down Evacuation 7.Muster Points 8.Additional Information
Introduction Is mandatory for all individuals who require access to the PP lay down (employees including all contractors). These changes will come into effect on June 1, 2013 and compliance will be monitored by Pellet Plant staff, security and emergency services. Access to the lay down traffic management policy can be found on the intra-net under: HSE/Safety/Vehicles and Driving/Work Practice Rules and Regulations for new Traffic Management Policy
Area Designations
Vehicle Traffic Flow Pellet Plant Lay-Down Area BALL PIT P1 A PPTC CONTROL ROOM Regrind s Filters & Balling Dry and South Parking Lot Access Stairs Lunch Room Staging Area 1A Conf. RM 418 Office Flotation Plant Entrance Door # 2 Door # 1 North Parking Lot Welding Station Between Line # 3 and line # 4 Restricted Area
Area Designations Pedestrian Traffic Flow –Pedestrian traffic is not limited to designated walkway during work hours if job is impacted Vehicle Traffic Flow –Light vehicles are to enter and exit through Door # 2 –Only 1 LV at a time is allowed access in the lay down area for drop off / pick up of material only. LV must exit lay down immediately (Unless approval is granted through PP management) Restricted Access Zone Warehouse staging area (Limited to warehouse and approved required equipment ex. steam truck) Area around Grinding Ball storage
Responsibilities Management Identifying traffic related hazards within the area Consulting HSE representative and employees in relation to identifying, implementing and managing traffic related hazards. Update Traffic Management Policy when needed. Complete and modify Workplace Inspection Checklist (Traffic) to incorporate outlined controls or changes there after. Scheduling workplace inspections to manage all traffic related hazards. Ensuring risk assessments are completed. Employees (IOC and Contractors) Report traffic related hazards to direct Supervisor, management or HSE representative. Use or wear all PPE required to safely perform workplace specific activities for area. Assist with risk assessments as required. Assisting with workplace inspections. Follow established procedures in the event of an injury, accident or emergency.
Building Access Single lane two way traffic with all vehicles entering and exiting through Door # 2. Prior to entering Lay down, drivers must report to Operations Supervisor Entrance for light vehicles, large vehicles and equipment shall only use Door # 2 as entrance and exit point, door # 1 will only be used for Warehouse pick–ups and drop–offs. Exception are given through supervisors or management (ex. Vac truck, Grinding ball deliveries, etc.) A spotter must be used when reverser or turn in lay down area. No vehicle shall be allowed to park or idle for extended periods of time and absolutely no vehicle shall be left unattended (Vehicle will be removed from lay down and immediate supervisor will be notified). Parking exceptions can be made for special circumstances for work being completed within this area; approval will go through the Area Manager. No vehicles are allowed to move around Lay down during time periods of peak pedestrian traffic 7:00am -8:00am 3:45pm - 4:15pm 6:45pm - 7:15pm Fork lifts have access to the Lay-down for work purposes but will follow the above time restrictions to allow pedestrians safe access during shift changes. Speed Inside Pellet Plant Lay Down Is 8 KM/HR
Emergency Information –Fire/Ambulance 8911 –Security8320 –Operations Supervisors Ext. 8418, 8245, 4787 or channel 5 –First Aid 8353/4639 NOTE: The prefix 9 is required when dialing outside contact from an internal telephone.
Lay Down Evacuation The traffic right of way protocol for emergencies within the Lay-Down: In the case of an emergency all unauthorised vehicles must be left in the Lay-down with keys inside and parked to allow any emergency equipment or vehicles access to enter and exit. Security or emergency response team may move or ask you to move vehicle or exit lay-down upon their arrival. If evacuation is necessary all personnel (employees, contractors and sub contractors) must evacuate to designated MUSTER POINT located outside Door # 1 or Door # 2. In the case of a fire alarm all unauthorised vehicles must be left in the Lay-down with keys inside and parked to allow any emergency equipment or vehicles access to enter and exit. Security or emergency response team may have to move vehicle upon their arrival. All personnel (employees, contractors and sub contractors) must evacuate to designated MUSTER POINT located outside Door # 1 or Door # 2. All vehicles that are responding to an emergency within the Pellet Plant lay-down site must use their two-way flashers.
Muster Point
Additional information Pellet Plant Lay Down Traffic Management Policy: –HSE Guidelines, Procedures and all regulations. HSE/Safety/Vehicles and Driving/Work Practice Pellet Plant Lower Road and Product Handling Traffic Management Policy: –HSE Guidelines, Procedures and all regulations for access roads to and from Pellet Plant HSE/Safety/Vehicles and Driving/Work Practice Links –HSE Internal Web Site (Home Page) –Questions / Concerns: