Survey of International Best Practices to Accommodate Older Road Users March 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Survey of International Best Practices to Accommodate Older Road Users March 2008

Presentation Overview Scan sponsors, team, and purpose Older Road User Issues in the U.S. Scan itinerary and countries visited General Findings Recommendations and next steps

Scan Sponsors U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)

International Technology Scanning Program “…means to access innovative technologies and practices in other countries that could significantly improve highways and highway transportation services in the United States.”

Elizabeth Alicandri, Co-Chair FHWA Office of Safety Pamela Hutton, Co-Chair Colorado State DOT Susan Chrysler Texas Transportation Institute Leanna Depue Missouri State DOT David Harkey, University of North Carolina Howard Glassman, Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council Thomas Granda, FHWA Research Cntr. Tom Smith, FHWA West Virginia Division Office Barry Warhoftig, West Virginia State DOT Who are we ?

WarhoftigGrandaSmithGlassmanHarkey ChryslerHuttonDepue Alicandri

Fatality Rate by Age per 100 M VMT What is the Problem ?

0-4 Graying of the US population MalesFemales Age Brackets (5 year increments) MalesFemales What is the Problem ?

What has the U.S. done for older road users? TRB Transportation in an Aging Society FHWA Older Driver Highway Design Handbook & Guidelines FHWA Older Road User Workshops 2000 & Revised Highway Standards  Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices  AASHTO Green Book

What has the U.S. done for older road users? 2001 – Revised FHWA Handbook AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan Implementation 2003 – Safe Mobility for Maturing Society – Challenges and Opportunities Travel Better, Travel Longer Pocket Guide 2004 – A Guide for Reducing Collisions Involving Older Drivers

Where did we go ? Australia  Sydney  Melbourne  Brisbane Japan  Tokyo March March 5 -8 March March

Why Australia and Japan ? Similar demographic age distribution  Percent of population over age 65 in 2030 US: 19.7 % Australia: 21.5 % Japan: 30 % Better safety record than US  Traffic fatality rates per 100,000 population US: Australia: 9.3 Japan: 6.7

Scan Team Pedestrian Safety in Left-Side Drive Countries

What did we hope to learn? Strategies to plan for increases in older road users Innovations in infrastructure design to assist older road users Research topics specific to older road users issues

Headliners Aging of society is a global issue Safety must be emphasized at highest levels of government Local Government involvement in implementing safety plans is critical Systems approach Data are used for planning, policy, and evaluation Improving safety for Older Road Users improves safety for all and vice versa

Headliners Removing driving privileges prematurely has unintended consequences Infrastructure and operational changes hold great promise for improving safety for older road users Mobility options are critical for continued quality of life

General Road Safety Initiatives Systems Approach to Safety through Strategic Plans Focus on reducing crash severity  Speed Enforcement  Speed Zones during times of high pedestrian activity  Pedestrian fencing Innovative partnerships with local governments, community groups, and automobile clubs

Example of Systems Approach: Strategic Planning Victoria’s Arrive Alive initiatives include:  Road users Education & enforcement  Alcohol  Speed  Fatigue  Drugs  Inexperience  Road and roadsides Infrastructure  Vehicle Safety Slide 18

Example of Systems Approach: Speed Reduction Speed Zoning  In high pedestrian areas  At times of high pedestrian activity Public Education Automated Enforcement

School Zone in Sydney Suburb Entertainment Zone in Brisbane Speed Zoning in High Pedestrian Areas

Automated Enforcement

Policy and Planning Issues Safety is critical issue at highest levels of government Aspirational and practical goals Integrated data from multiple sources used for:  Policy development  Planning decisions  Program evaluation

Infrastructure Improvements for Older Road Users Intersections  Left turn signals exclusive phase  Dedicated turn lanes  Geometric Design

Intersection Improvements Turn Signal Phasing to eliminate go / no- go decision

Changes to intersection geometric design to accommodate limited range of motion of older drivers Minimum receiving lane width for rural unsignalised intersections Source: Vic Roads Intersection Improvements

Traffic Control Devices Pavement marking brightness and width Sign brightness Sign letter size Barrier treatments for horizontal curavature (Japan)

Pavement and Barrier Markings Reflective chevrons on barrier wall Wider lines to indicate start of exit lane

Speed Control Traffic calming Speed zoning by district Backed up by automated enforcement

Traffic Calming Speed Humps Raised Pedestrian Crosswalks Reduced Residential Area Speeds

Colored pavements Lane Prohibition Curve Warnings Positive Guidance in coordination with color- coded diagrammatic signs Highlighting Bike Lane at Intersection, Sydney Marking Prohibition to Entry to Bus Lane, Melbourne

Transit Improvements Accessible tram stops Median transfer points to reduce pedestrian activity in street

Improvements for Pedestrians Roadway lighting Median refuge islands Hand rails at signal posts to assist curb step-off Extended pedestrian phase signal time Separation of pedestrians and other vehicles, including bikes

Improvements for Pedestrians  Median refuge islands Sydney

Improvements for Pedestrians  Extended pedestrian phase signal time  Actuated signals

Improvements for Pedestrians  Separation of pedestrians and other vehicles, including bikes

Improvements for Pedestrians Pedestrian Fencing  Directs pedestrians to marked or signalized crosswalks  Prevents jay-walking

Driving Reduction and Cessation Policies vary from mandatory re-testing after age 75 to no age-based testing Emphasis in all states is education, self-assessment, and self-regulation

Addressing Mobility Peer-to-peer training – use of transit, para- transit, home delivery services Mobility Advisor – training home health care workers Community-based alternative transportation services – creative use of available vehicles

Future Trends Aging in place  increased transit demand  more older pedestrians  transit-oriented development Rising number of older motorcycle riders Increased use of mobility scooters Increased use of recreational vehicles

Motorcycle Safety Education Mandatory Helmet Law Partnerships with Motorcycle club for riders over age of 50 Reconsideration of license endorsement testing requirements Slide 40

Mobility Scooters

Recreational Vehicles Rural areas  Road Trains  Narrow paved surfaces

Research Activities Older Driver Naturalistic Driving Study Age-related Eye Disease Medication Interactions Older Recreational Vehicle Drivers Enhanced Nighttime Pedestrian Identification through Bio-motion markers

Monash University Portable Driving Simulator

Queensland University of Technology Test Track and Instrumented Vehicle

Implementation Topics Enhancement of U.S. Roadway Design and Operations Practice Outreach to Non-Traditional Partners Targeted Research Program Establish Land Use and Development Guidelines Training for Transportation Providers
