SPECIALIZED AT CAAD FA STU BA 2009/2010 Teacher guarantee – ing.arch v. joklová, phd students – andrej šabo ( 3rd year ) andrea stieflerová ( 2nd ) michal pisarčík ( 3rd ) bálint takács ( 4th ) Gergely kunyik ( 4th )
Our buildings consume about a third of our energy production and they usually don´t offer very healthy indoor environment. Both these aspects need improvement and we are looking for the most efficient tools, inspired by factor 4 or even factor 10 requirements. Efficient building is possible and affordable, sophisticated architectural design is the base of this efficincy together with innorative technologies. If we build a new house, which fulfil the condictions of todays applicable standards, consume for heating will be roughly 100 kwh/m2 every year. Virtually by the same construction cost and without any special measures can be built section house, which energy consumption for heating will be approximately on semi. Calculated energy consuption for house would be not more then 70 kwh/m2 every year. Only by better insulation and draft solution without thermal bridges can receive a value of about one third lower. We can called this relatively efficienct housing: the same comfort we have operating costs roughly semi. (references – špaček R. pivko h.,effecient housing, 2008 )
NEW VISION Low-energy house corresponds to the factor 2. can we go still further in raising efficiency of housing section? Yes, we can- and also it sounds shocking a factor of 10 is realistic target, achieved in euripe for thousands of home. Tool to achieve it is the concept of so-called passive house- the house that need so little heat in winter, that one-third covered sunflower power, without special eguipment, just across the window (so called passive manner- and thus the name ), next one-third of the heat from human staying and domestic service consumers, and only the remaining third section we add the external energy source and pay for it. The passive house calls if the energy demand for heating drops bellow 15 kwh/m2 every year. When we include energy consuption of hot water and operation of houses technology, real savings are typically around 80%. In assesing the feasibility of such visions is also important question, how much such a giant leap the cost-effectiveness. In austria and germany, where such house is up, the statistic say about 8 or 10% increase in investment.
Scheme no 1 – constructive solutions low energy house scheme no 2 – the cost to increase operational efficiency of the house. -Energy costs --cost improvement --total cost
1.- low-energy house well known also for glazed areas on south side of the building. 2.- passive house can be also present by an exclusive architecture ( family house in linz ).
Territorial analysis Our intetion was to creat a coherent urban environment with a simple structure, clear and sufficient follow-up connections to transport network. Country – slovakia City – capital, bratislava Area – dubravka, lamac, devinska koliba From left – dubravka, connection to the highway From right – nature, gardens- devínska koliba Re-vitalisation of former glass factory Developement areas in neighbourhood Dubravka, lamac – extended from line Big camp – near to center of bratislava
Territorial analysis description Factory Residential Buildings Family houses Reilway
Design variants Our intetion was to creat a coherent urban environment with a simple structure, clear and sufficient follow-up connections to transport network. Department of privacy from the public space by internal means. Separation from the residential area of industrial. Accessibility by public transport – bus, trolley, train. Accessibility by the main road. Separation from family houses Lack of greenery and water aeras. Residential complex by the sports area, leisure parks, pedestrian aera, civil and menities by with interconnection.
Design variants Water area Railway station Residential buildings Family housing Services, trade Office buildings Forest park Sports complex Parking Pedestrian zone Description :
proposal Residential housing Family housing Sports complex Services, trade Office buildings Technical glass DESCRIPTION :
PROPOSAL ANALYSIS - description Various zones are connected to each other between work continuity. Family housies in counties – more privacy Amenities – in the middle of disposition, around the main pedestrian zone Sports facilities – after district, near the forest The main pedestrian zone builds on public transport mass – composition analysis Regularly by internal Sorting by priority Symetric square Mass balance – enough space for parking and green area tower analysis The growing tendency toward the main pedestrian zone Tallest buildings – factory, technical glass
Proposal analysis Description – left side: Habitation Polyfuncion Pedestrian zone Admin. center Sports compex Technical glass- factory 3-floor buildings 4- floor buildings 6-floor buildings Description –right side
Detail by internal Each by internal – square floorplan, regular shapes, sealed unit Part of the courtyard – private part, playground, leisure park, benches, toward the courtyard are oriented living rooms and bedrooms Street section – the main entrance into the building, parkink, connection to public network
Detail by internal Description : Solved object 4-floor building Transport communication Inputs into the building
Visualization by internal Internal view of the courtStreet view
Ground plan view East viewWest view South view North view Floor ground plan2. Floor grondplan 4. Floor groundpl.