Outline of presentation 1.Introduction 2.Problem Statement 3.Objectives & Methodology 4.Literature Review 5.Development of Evaluation Model 6.Application of Evaluation Model 7.Conclusions and Recommendations
1. INTRODUCTION The concept of land subdivision in early developments used to be an easier process reflecting the needs of the community. The issues like recent technological developments and globalization has changed the activities and needs of community. This requires the neighborhood to be designed under the guidelines of a Sustainable Urban Design (SUD). This research develops a model based on the design principles of SUD to evaluate the neighborhood for sustainability for future.
2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Existing land subdivision codes give developers little incentive to conserve natural areas. Often local codes and standards create needless impervious cover in the form of wide streets. Some of the failures are expansive parking lots and large-lot subdivisions with improper allocation of services. The need for the community is to reevaluate the local codes for the process of land subdivision to produce more sustainable neighborhood.
3. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY The objectives of this research are: To study the concepts of a sustainable urban design, and obtain the principles of an ideal neighborhood. To design a model for evaluation of a neighborhood based on the concepts of sustainable urban neighborhood. Evaluation of the design alternative of any residential neighborhood using two different software techniques namely GIS and Space Syntax.
METHODOLOGY Reviewing the concepts of sustainability and SUD, and its application in achieving an ideal neighborhood. Development of evaluation model and to derive the provisions for evaluation of different aspects of neighborhood design. Carrying out evaluation based on GIS and Syntactic analysis, which concentrates mainly on the following issues: To check the allocation of services To determine the shortest path network To measure the accessibility and integration of street network
4. LITERATURE REVIEW Sustainability Concept of Sustainability is to sustain or withstand something in future with efficiency against rapid changes. The main goal in all the concepts of sustainability is “the capability of mankind to maintain itself over time” allocation A Sustainable Urban design is a mechanism of allocation of undifferentiated land, for structuring the distribution of various community services It concentrates allocation of public services like schools and other services which preserves more of the existing ecology.
Main capabilities of a sustainable urban design pattern are 1.Reducing private automobile owner ship and creating a pedestrian friendly environment. 2.Adopt compact forms and more traditional designs. 3.Encourage well distributed services and promote small scale economic activities. 4.Support well established Public Transport. 5.To Promote social, economical, and environmental equity. 4. LITERATURE REVIEW (cont’d)
EVALUATION TECHNIQUE AND APPROACH The ability of neighborhood to function as a good service provider is mainly dependent of its pedestrian accessibility. Pedestrian accessibility is governed by two main powerful indicators ( Emily Talen, 2003 ) Service Provision – The quantity and quality of places. Access to service – The ability to reach the services. The following are the accessibility measurement factors:OriginDestination Mode of travel Travel Route Properties Distance calculations
Neighborhood as a good service provider Service Provision Access To Service FACTORS Origin Destination Mode Of travel Travel route properties Distance calculations Figure Illustrating the factors in measurement of accessibility
Principles of Space Syntax used in Neighborhood Development Space Syntax uses computer-based design tools which predict patterns of movement in the neighborhood. Space syntax is a set of theories and tools used for spatial analysis with particular applications in urban science. For analysis of spatial integration and accessibility in a neighborhood, space syntax provides a range of parameters The three main parameters which are used in the analysis are connectivity, control, and integration.
ConnectivityControl (Point Depth) Integration Parameters of spatial analysis The number of nodes directly linked to each individual node. Defined as the number of steps from a considered node to all other nodes. The degree to which a node is integrated or segregated from a system as a whole
5. DEVELOPMENT OF EVALUATION MODEL Based on the concepts of SUD, the five basic features of an Ideal Neighborhood are: 1.The neighborhood has a center and an edge. 2.The neighborhood should be of optimal size that is a quarter mile from center to edge. (this distance is the equivalent of a five- minute walk at an easy pace) 3.The neighborhood has a balanced mix of activities - dwelling, shopping, working, schooling, worshipping and recreational. 4.The neighborhood structures building sites and traffic on a frame network of interconnecting streets. 5.The neighborhood gives priority to public space and to the appropriate location of civic buildings.
Principles for evaluation criterions Movement routes are shared by cars, buses, cyclists and pedestrians and go through the center rather than around it as well as through residential neighborhoods. Community facilities such as health centers, schools, open play grounds, parks are distributed around the neighborhood reflecting more localized catchments. Services tend to be focused along a main street running through the heart of neighborhood. The neighborhood provides a wide range of different housing opportunities. Housing densities are highest around the edges of the towns, principal roads leading to centers.
Redesign the alternative based on the principles of SUD YESYES NO Criterion/ Specification for Evaluation SUD Guidelines & Principles of Ideal Neighborhood GIS Based Evaluation Shortest Path Analysis Services Allocation Syntactic Evaluation Accessibility of Street Network SATISFY THE CRITERIONS AND PROVISIONS EVALUATION OF NEIGHBRHOOD DESIGN ALTERNATIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN ALTERNATIVE Global (Major) Services Local Services Vehicular Accessibility Pedestrian Accessibility Frame Work For Evaluation Model
Establishment of criterions and provisions for evaluation GIS based evaluation - Services’ allocation This is basically to test the suitability of the various services allocated in the neighborhood under certain criterions. MAJOR SERVICES - Schools, Commercial centers, Juma Mosques, Community centers, Hospitals, and Municipal services. General Provisions All the major services should be located at the major streets of the neighborhood. The radius of influence varies at a range of 750 – 850 meters. Criterions The neighborhood gives the priority to public spaces and to the appropriate location to civic buildings. Priority to public spaces and its appropriate location to have an easy access.
LOCAL SERVICES -Local mosques, parks, dispensaries, and local commercial centers. General Provisions All the local services should be easily accessible through the collector streets of that neighborhood. The radius of influence of the local services and the local neighborhood is around 250 m – 350 m. Criterion The neighborhood should be of optimal size that is a quarter mile from center to edge, this distance is equal to less than 10 min walk at an easy space.
The objective of this analysis is to find the shortest path to the local as well as major services from the local neighborhood centers. General Provisions The services should be with in a reach of the community via a shortest path mostly through the collector and local streets. Criterions A neighborhood should have pedestrian encouraging environment, which reduces private automobile ownership that makes the people walk and make the surrounding healthier. GIS based evaluation – Shortest Path Analysis
The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the accessibility and integration of the street network with respect to the services. General Provisions Services should be allocated on the most integrated streets of the network; that is on the 10% most globally integrated streets. Services should be with in a reach of 3 to 4 steps of accessibility from the exterior roads and well the interior collector streets. Criterions Movement of routes shared by cars and pedestrian go through the center rather than around it as well as through residential neighborhood. Shops and services tend to be focused on main streets running through the heart of neighborhood. The neighborhood should have a frame work of interconnecting streets which makes the neighborhood easily accessible. SYNTACTIC based evaluation – Accessibility of street network
6. APPLICATION OF EVALUATION MODEL Accessibility Of Street Network Global Integration Point Depth Analysis (Accessibility) Integration Core (Most Integrated) Evaluation Syntactic Evaluation (Axman 3.0) GIS based Evaluation Spatial Analyst (ArcGIS 9.0) Service Allocation and Pedestrian Network Individual Buffering Suitability Analysis (Combined Buffering) Shortest Path analysis (Local & Major Services) The main elements of evaluation process
Description of Case Study
Assumptions for evaluation The case study represents a design alternative for hypothetical study area which is under going the process of land subdivision for neighborhood development. It shows all the major land uses with the allocation of services, and the hierarchy of road network as major roads, collector streets and local streets. The area is designed for a uniform population density with 8 to 9 persons residing per housing unit. Effect of each individual neighborhood is considered from its center. Pedestrian pathways exists along all the street network. A two way traffic flow is assumed for the entire road network.
GIS based evaluation Individual Buffering The technique is simple; this is done using the simple buffering wizard of Arc GIS which creates a buffer for the specific centers. Area of Influence for LOCAL SERVICES Governing Factors Buffering of Local Services Radius of 250 m
GIS based evaluation Individual Buffering Area of Influence for MAJOR SERVICES Governing Factors Buffering of Major Services Radius of 550 m Buffering of Schools Radius of 650 m
GIS based evaluation Suitability analysis (Combined Buffering) Combined buffering is to check the suitability of the service location with respect to TWO or more factors. Suitability analysis for LOCAL SERVICES Governing Factors Local Streets Buffer of 250m Factor – 0.45 Neighborhood centers Buffer of 250m Factor – 0.55
GIS based evaluation Suitability analysis (Combined Buffering) Suitability analysis for MAJOR SERVICES Governing Factors Collector Streets (450m – 0.35) Major streets (400m – 0.40) Neighborhood centers (500m – 0.25)
Shortest path Distance for buffering Cost weighted RasterCost Raster OriginDestination Neighborhood centers Local Services250 m To Neighborhood centers Resultant of reclassified buffer of Local services and local streets Local Services Neighborhood centers 250 mTo Local services Resultant of reclassified buffer of Neighborhood centers and local streets Neighborhood centers Major Services550 mTo Neighborhood centers Resultant of reclassified buffer of Major services and collector streets Major Services Neighborhood centers 550 mTo major services Resultant of reclassified buffer of Neighborhood centers and collector streets Shortest Path Analysis GIS based evaluation Shortest path network gives the base for design of the pedestrian network for the entire neighborhood with respect to local as well as major service. Finding out the cost weighted buffer for the origin is the initial steps. The input for cost weighted raster is resultant buffer of destination and the cost. Cost Weight Buffer gives the direction and distance raster for shortest path Description of cost weighted raster and cost raster.
Shortest Path Analysis Shortest Path analysis for LOCAL SERVICES GIS based evaluation
Shortest Path analysis for LOCAL SERVICES Shortest Path Analysis GIS based evaluation
Pedestrian Pathways Pedestrian pathways based on the resultant shortest path analysis
SYNTACTIC based evaluation Global Integration It indicates the degree to which a node is integrated or segregated from a system as a whole Global Integration for Vehicular and Pedestrian Accessibility Vehicular Accessibility Pedestrian Accessibility
Most Globally Integrated streets To distribute the services on well integrated streets, the top 10% of total number of lines in terms of their integration value is taken as most integrated streets. Pedestrian Accessibility Vehicular Accessibility Integration Core SYNTACTIC based evaluation
Point Depth Analysis SYNTACTIC based evaluation The point depth analysis is basically to measure the accessibility of a certain streets, it measure the extent of reach of the selected street. The extent of reach is measured in terms of number of turns. Four step accessibility for major roads
Allocation of all the major services satisfied the codes of SUD. Some of the areas and individual neighborhoods gave poor results in terms of reach, it needs some modification in the street network accordingly Two steps, Three steps and four steps reach for various services were found out. Point Depth Analysis To find out the reach of a particular service from a selected street. 5 Most of the services were on the most globally integrated streets; very few needed some re allocation. The network was well integrated, making the neighborhood easily accessible. Most global integrated streets were found in order to measure the accessibility and proper allocation of the services. Global Integration To determine the most integrated street in the street network. 4 The analysis gave the shortest path for the services, which were effective in creating a pedestrian encouraging environment. Cost weighted raster and cost raster were calculated for the elements influencing the shortest path for the respective origin and destination. Shortest Path Analysis To determine the shortest path in between the neighborhood center and the services. 3 The factors contributing to the accessibility of a service were taken based on the principles SUD, and all the services were in the suitable zone of allocation. A combined buffering was done by giving certain weights for the factors influencing the accessibility of that particular service – it gave the suitability of that particular service Suitability Analysis Determining the area of influence of every service under the combined effect of two or more governing factors. 2 The radius of buffering was based on the SUD criterion, and almost all services were satisfying the criterions. The buffering of all the services from the center of each services location – it was showing the extent of residential area covered Individual Buffering Determining the area of influence of every service. 1 ResultsObservationType Of Analysis Carried OutSLNO SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS
7. CONCLUSIONS The following are the conclusions for this research 1.The principles and guidelines of Sustainable urban design were very much effective in designing the evaluation model. 2.A complete application of the designed model was successfully carried out on a hypothetical study area. 3.The application of spatial analyst tool of ArcGIS 9.0 was very effective in carrying out the tasks like suitability of any service allocation and the determination of shortest path for pedestrian network.
4.The analysis done by the technique of space syntax gave a subjective judgment for the outcomes and results for the GIS analysis. This shows the integration of two different techniques in the process of designing a sustainable residential neighborhood. 5.Finally, it can be concluded that the developed GIS and Syntactic based model is an effective tool which can be used by the planners and real estate developers in evaluating their design alternatives, to produce a livable and sustainable residential neighborhood.
RECOMMENDATIONS 1.There is a need for planners to explore how communities move towards sustainability, and implement successfully the concept of SUD 2.The evaluation process should include the element of affordability to support a greater variety of housing type. 3.The further scope of this research is to carry out an economic feasibility analysis in efficient allocation of services in the neighborhood. 4.Local Municipal codes should take into consideration the effect of services of surrounding neighborhoods. 5.Application of Network Analyst for analyzing street network. 6.It is required for the planning authorities and real estate developers to possess a complete GIS based map.