- Light Rail Transit Improving mobility Easing congestion Strengthening our communities Central Corridor Metropolitan Council May 28, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

- Light Rail Transit Improving mobility Easing congestion Strengthening our communities Central Corridor Metropolitan Council May 28, 2008

2 Today’s Agenda Washington Ave. Transit/ Pedestrian Mall Update U of M’s Northern Alignment Feasibility Study Northern Alignment Issues and Risks Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

3 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Mitigation Package Update Running Time and CEI calculation Adjustments to Cost and CEI Project Schedule/SDEIS Status

4 Washington Ave. Update Issues Being Addressed in PE Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Traffic Impacts Conducted four traffic studies that looked at intra-campus roads and surrounding roadways Safety Concerns Created transit/pedestrian mall Removed 20,000 vehicles/day Environmental Impacts Analyzed electromagnetic impacts Completed Phase I&II site analysis Aesthetics Developed design criteria Created concept design for transit/pedestrian mall

5 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Mitigation Package Update Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

6 1 9A 9D 6E 6A 6C 6B 6D 7B 7C 7F 7E 7D 7A 4 5 8A 9G 9C 9E 9F 10 2B 9B 11A&B 2A 8B 3 Overview of Stakeholder- Identified Improvement Needs 3

7 Stakeholder-Identified Improvement Needs Base Project Cost CCLRT Mitigation* Stake- holder 1. Washington Avenue Transit/Pedestrian Mall$11,100, Free Fare Zone Stadium Village to West BankX 3. Granary Road - I35W to TH 280X 4. U of M Fairview Hospital Loading DockX 5. Traffic light improvements Wash. Ave. intersections $2,600, Intersections directly impacted by CCLRT$2,800, Intersections not directly impacted CCLRTX 8. East River Road/Harvard Street/Fulton Street$1,200,000X 9. East Bank Campus Area Street Connections$5,100, Modify Huron Blvd/University/23 rd /25 th Aves.$4,300, Environmental Issues$4,400, Impact on Freeway SystemX 13. Signage and Wayfinding$20, Cedar Riverside Small Area PlanX Total Central Corridor Mitigation Participation$6,900,000$24,600,000TBD * CCLRT Participation subject to FTA approval

8 1 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Oak ChurchUnion Harvard Walnut Pleasant

9 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Passenger Rail History Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

10 Washington Ave. Transit/Ped Mall Concept Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Graphic shows a two-block segment of the Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall that is proposed to go from Pleasant Ave. to Walnut St.

11 6A 6B Reduce Cedar & Riverside Eliminate parking on east side of 20th Provide additional approach lane 2 nd WB right turn lane on Riverside NB left turn on Cedar Traffic signal detection Re-time signal Central Corridor Project Mitigation Package West Bank Traffic Improvements Light Rail Transit Central Corridor 19 th 20 th Cedar Washington Ave. Riverside 6C

12 Harvard Walnut Union Pleasant Oak Central Corridor Project Mitigation Package East Bank Traffic Improvements Light Rail Transit Central Corridor 9A 9B Install traffic signal and construct turn lanes 9D Stripe NB left turn lane and modify signal phasing 9E 9F Construct new segment and overlay existing 10 Modify intersection 5 Traffic signal improvements 9G Install traffic signal and construct turn lanes 8A 6E9C Install traffic signals and construct turn lanes Install all way stop Construct turn lanes Resurface E. River Rd Church 6D Cromwell & Franklin Remove parking from north side of, peak hours

13 Central Corridor Project Mitigation Package Environmental Issues Light Rail Transit Central Corridor 11 Oak ChurchUnion Harvard Walnut Pleasant

14 Central Corridor Project Mitigation Package Environmental Issues Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Locations of Sensitive Equipment

15 Electromagnetic Technical Solutions Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

16 7B 7C 7F 7E 7D 7A 4 2B 2A 8B 3 Stakeholder-Identified Improvements Outside of Project Scope & Budget Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

17 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Running Time & CEI Update Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

18 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Running Time and CEI Update

19 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Running Time & CEI Update Identified 1300’ missing from travel time calculations Added into travel time model –Added 39 seconds to Washington Ave. alignment travel time –Increased CEI to $24.39 Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

20 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Cost and CEI Adjustments Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

21 Washington Ave, Transit/Pedestrian Mall Cost and CEI Adjustments Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Capital Cost ChangeCEI $909 million =23.80 $909 million Add 39 seconds to running time $892 million Adjust costs to keep CEI under $

22 Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall Project Schedule and SDEIS Status Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

23 Central Corridor LRT Project Schedule CCLRT Master Schedule Start SDEIS environmental reviewJuly 9, 2007 Define Project Alignment and ElementsFeb. 27, 2008 Complete environmental analysis, prepare SDEISApril 4, 2008 Provide final administrative draft SDEIS to FTAApril 29, 2008 Receive SDEIS comments from FTAMay 28, 2008 Publish SDEIS in Federal RegisterJune 27, 2008 Hold Public HearingJuly 21, 2008 Adopt Updated LPA by Met CouncilAug. 27, 2008 Submit New Starts ApplicationSept. 5, 2008 Publish draft FEISJan. 11, 2009 FTA issues Record of Decision on FEISFeb. 25, 2009 FTA approves project to move into Final DesignMay 6, 2009 Full Funding Grant Agreement ExecutionApril 2, 2010 Major Construction Contract AwardsMay 2010

24 Northern Alignment Outstanding Risks & Issues Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

25 Outstanding Issues: Site Contamination-West Bank 19 th Avenue South Washington Avenue 1956 Gas Holder #5 Gas Holder #4 Pure Oil (Unocal) Site Minneapolis Gas Works (Minnegasco)

26 Former Gas Holder #4 State VIC Site State Superfund Site Outstanding Issues: Site Contamination-West Bank

27 Outstanding Risks/Issues Site Contamination – East Bank Dinkytown railroad trench McLaughlin Gormley King –Pesticides –17 th Avenue & 5 th Street Reichold Manufacturing –Chemicals –23 rd Avenue Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

28 Outstanding Risks/Issues Site Contamination – East Bank Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Chemicals Pesticides University Ave. 4 th St. 17 th Ave. 18 th Ave. Railroad corridor

29 Outstanding Risks/Issues Railroad Issues Right-of-way space/clearance for freight railroad, LRT, Granary Road & bike trail New Minnesota Commercial Rail Yard Multiple owners Acquisition and operating agreement Insurance and indemnification Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

30 Outstanding Issues: Freight Rail/Light Rail Proximity

31 14 th Avenue University Avenue Freight rail Light rail Future Granary Road Outstanding Issues: Railroad Right-of-Way Bike Trail Light rail

32 Outstanding Issues: Railroad Right-of-Way Minnesota Commercial Railway constructing transload yard to replace one lost in I-35W bridge collapse

33 Outstanding Issues: Railroad Right-of-Way

34 Outstanding Issues: Railroad Right-of-Way Railyard Northern Alignment Future Granary Road

35 Outstanding Risks/Issues Schedule Impacts Issue identification Environmental analysis –4(f) and Section 106 issues –Historic #9 Bridge –Parklands –Cultural resources –Section 8 Housing –Phase I&II Environmental Surveys SDEIS/FEIS Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

36 Historic railroad bridge Section 8 Housing Bike/pedestrian path Mississippi National River and Recreation Area

37 Outstanding Risks/Issues Schedule Impacts Federal approvals required –Corp. of Engineers –National Park Service/ MNRRA –Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) –Coast Guard –Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) –Housing and Urban Development (HUD) –Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) –Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

38 Outstanding Risks/Issues Schedule Impacts Local approvals required –Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) –State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) –Minneapolis Historic Preservation Commission Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

39 Outstanding Risks/Issues Schedule Impacts Railroad negotiations –Right-of-way acquisition –Operating agreement –Insurance and indemnification Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

40 Outstanding Issues: Schedule Impacts CCLRT Master Schedule Northern Alignment Estimated Schedule Start SDEIS environmental reviewJuly 9, 2007 Define Project Alignment and ElementsFeb. 27, 2008May 21, 2008 Restart SDEIS environmental review for Northern AlignmentJune/July 2008 Complete environmental analysis, prepare SDEISApril 4, 2008Feb Provide final administrative draft SDEIS to FTAApril 29, 2008March 2009 Receive SDEIS comments from FTAMay 28, 2008May 2009 Publish SDEIS in Federal RegisterJune 27, 2008June 2009 Hold Public HearingJuly 21, 2008July 2009 Adopt Revised LPA by Met CouncilAug. 27, 2008Aug Submit New Starts ApplicationSept. 5, 2008Sept. 4, 2009 Publish draft FEISJan. 11, 2009Jan FTA issues Record of Decision on FEISFeb. 25, 2009Feb FTA approves project to move into Final DesignMay 6, 2009May 2010 Full Funding Grant Agreement ExecutionApril 2, 2010April 2011 Major Construction Contract AwardsMay 2010May 2011

41 Comparison of Washington Ave. Transit/Pedestrian Mall & Northern Alignment Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

42 Comparison of Alignments Summary Table Light Rail Transit Central Corridor Updated CCLRT Northern Alignment CCLRT vs. NA Ridership modelFTA- accepted Travel time40:1540:26-0:11 Capital Cost$892 million$894 million-$2 million Ridership42,17035,240+6,930 CEI$23.98$28.44-$4.46

43 Employment by TAZ University Ave. Northern Alignment Washington Ave. Alignment

44 Population by TAZ University Ave. Northern Alignment Washington Ave. Alignment

45 University Ave. Northern Alignment Washington Ave. Alignment Special Trips by TAZ

46 Northern Alignment Comparison of 2001 & 2008 Studies Light Rail Transit Central Corridor 2001 A/A 2008 FeasibilityComments Ridership Very Poor Poor 6,900 lower than CCLRT Capital CostGood About same as CCLRT Traffic Impacts Very Good Good Better than CCLRT before mitigation Bus Connectivity Very Poor Poor Would require reconfiguring the bus network

47 Northern Alignment Summary Significantly lower ridership using FTA-accepted ridership model Significantly higher CEI Includes risks not reflected in cost estimate –Site contamination –Federal permits required –Railroad right-of-way acquisition, insurance & indemnification –Schedule delay and cost escalation Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

48 Washington Ave. Summary Moves more people faster for less money –Transportation System User Benefits (TSUB) is significantly higher –Significantly higher ridership Meets federal CEI guidelines Keeps project on schedule and within budget Light Rail Transit Central Corridor

49 Light Rail Transit Central Corridor More Information Check out our website: Contact Central Corridor Project Office: 540 Fairview Avenue North St. Paul, MN Comment Line: