How do signs help keep us safe? Did you know… Next Image Source: BrainPOP Jr and YouTube.BrainPOP JrYouTube Click the picture on the left to review traffic signs. Click picture on the right to view video about pedestrian safety. If you are asked to login, ask your Library Media Specialist. *NOTE: Go to the BCPS Database page and click on BrainPOP Jr., then return to this slide and click on the activity link to the right.BCPS Database page
Next Image Source: BrainPopJr and Youtube.BrainPopJrYoutube 1. Click the picture below to learn more about Traffic Safety Signs. 2. Now, click the picture below to complete the quiz to assess what you learned. 3. Click the picture below to learn about crossing the street safely. 4. Click the picture below to learn about seat belt safety. *NOTE: Go to the BCPS Database page and click on BrainPOP Jr., then return to this slide and click on the video link below.BCPS Database page
Next Image Source: YouTube.YouTube 1. Click the picture below to learn more about Traffic Safety Signs. 2. Click the picture below to review pedestrian safety. 3. Click the picture below to review pedestrian and car passenger safety. 4. Click the picture below to play a game that reviews the pedestrian and car passenger safety tips. Image Source: BrainPOP Jr.BrainPOP Jr
1. Click the picture for the right to complete the Draw About It activity. You are to draw one of the traffic signs you see around your neighborhood Next Image Source: VokiVoki Final Assessment: Create a Voki to discuss safety tips for a pedestrian and a car passenger. Click the picture to the right to hear the directions. Then, click the Voki symbol below that to begin. 1. Create your own Voki character. 2. Introduce yourself. 3. Give 3 tips for pedestrians and/or car passengers. Click here for Scoring Rubric ↓ Image Source: BrainPOP Jr.BrainPOP Jr
Next 1. Click the picture below to learn more about Traffic Safety Signs. Choose one of the activities below and click the picture to complete. 2. Click the picture below to learn more about Bicycle safety. 3. Click the picture below to learn more about Bus safety. Once you go to the article, go to page 3 for Bus safety. You can click the speaker up top to have it read to you. Image Source: BrainPOP Jr.BrainPOP Jr Image Source: Kids Health.Kids Health Image Source: BrainPOPBrainPOP
Time Frame: 2-4 Class periods will be required to complete this activity. = can complete by yourself. = may need assistance from a teacher to complete. Learning Preferences- The learning preferences provided are mainly visual and auditory with some reading. Due to the age of the audience, these were the best way to present the material. Notes to the teacher: This Slam Dunk is written for the 2 nd grade health curriculum but can be used for all elementary school students. Being able to express personal thoughts and explain their reasoning is a very important skill to accomplish early in school. It is also extremely important to student to be prepared for safe transportation! For the Brain Pop links, they do not always log you in automatically. Therefore, have the log in info ready. See your Library Media Specialist for passwords Last updated: July 2014 Created by Erin McElwee linked to address, Teacher/Library Cohort Summer Intern BCPS Slam Dunk Research Model, Copyright 2013, Baltimore County Public Schools, MD, all rights reserved. The models may be used for educational, non-profit school use only. All other uses, transmissions, and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly.Erin McElwee BCPS CurriculumBCPS Curriculum ( 2 nd grade Health) Grade 2, Module 3, Lesson 5 (page 21) Students will identify ways to stay safe while crossing a street and while riding in a car. Maryland State Curriculum Maryland State Curriculum B. Safety Rules and Procedures Indicator 1. Identify ways to stay safe outdoors. Objective: Discuss strategies to stay safe on a bike or skates by following traffic signs and wearing a helmet. Common Core State Standards Reading: 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Speaking and Listening : 6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Standards for the 21 st Century Learner Standards for the 21 st Century Learner Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real-world situations, and further investigations. Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students 3.0: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration.