Miss Panno/Driver Education
Traffic Signs, Signals and Road Markings Control the flow of traffic making streets and highways safer for roadway users.Control the flow of traffic making streets and highways safer for roadway users. A police officer is the only person who can overrule traffic signalsA police officer is the only person who can overrule traffic signals Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Lights in a VERTICAL position RED light always on TOP yellow, then greenLights in a VERTICAL position RED light always on TOP yellow, then green If light has a GREEN ARROW it will always be on the BOTTOMIf light has a GREEN ARROW it will always be on the BOTTOM Lights in a HORIZONTAL position RED light always on the LEFTLights in a HORIZONTAL position RED light always on the LEFT Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Red Light Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Light Green Light Green Light Green Arrow Green Arrow Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Red Light Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Light Green Light Green Light Green Arrow Green Arrow Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light
Traffic Signs, Signals and Road Markings Red Light Red Light Stop before the intersection or crosswalk and remain stopped until greenStop before the intersection or crosswalk and remain stopped until green Yellow Light Yellow Light Indicate a motorist must stop before the intersection unless the vehicle is so close to the intersection that they cannot stop safelyIndicate a motorist must stop before the intersection unless the vehicle is so close to the intersection that they cannot stop safely YELLOW ARROW means signal is changing from green to red for a motorist to stop safelyYELLOW ARROW means signal is changing from green to red for a motorist to stop safely Green Light Green Light Indicates to proceed through the intersectionIndicates to proceed through the intersection Yield to pedestrians and vehicles in intersection and when turning right or leftYield to pedestrians and vehicles in intersection and when turning right or left Yield to approaching vehicles before making a left turnYield to approaching vehicles before making a left turn Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Red Light Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Light Green Light Green Light Green Arrow Green Arrow Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Red Light Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Light Green Light Green Light Green Arrow Green Arrow Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light
Traffic Signs, Signals and Road Markings Green Arrow Green Arrow Can be alone or in combination with a red lightCan be alone or in combination with a red light Continue only as displayed by the arrow cautiously after yielding to pedestriansContinue only as displayed by the arrow cautiously after yielding to pedestrians Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light Slow downSlow down Proceed through intersection with careProceed through intersection with care Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Red Light Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Light Green Light Green Light Green Arrow Green Arrow Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Red Light Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Light Green Light Green Light Green Arrow Green Arrow Flashing Yellow Light Flashing Yellow Light
Traffic Signs, Signals and Road Markings Flashing Red Light Flashing Red Light Unlit Signal Unlit Signal Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdow n Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdow n Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette Flashing Red Light Flashing Red Light Unlit Signal Unlit Signal Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdow n Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdow n Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette Flashing Red Light Flashing Red Light STOP. Yield to traffic/Pedestrians. Proceed when safeSTOP. Yield to traffic/Pedestrians. Proceed when safe Unlit Signal Unlit Signal Stop if a signal does not have bulbs working and no one is directing trafficStop if a signal does not have bulbs working and no one is directing traffic Considered four-way STOP. Look both ways, yield to oncoming traffic. Resume through intersection when safeConsidered four-way STOP. Look both ways, yield to oncoming traffic. Resume through intersection when safe
Traffic Signs, Signals and Road Markings Flashing Red Light Flashing Red Light Unlit Signal Unlit Signal Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdown Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdown Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette Flashing Red Light Flashing Red Light Unlit Signal Unlit Signal Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdown Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdown Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol Orange, Steady Raised-Palm Symbol Indicates pedestrians must not leave sidewalk or roadwayIndicates pedestrians must not leave sidewalk or roadway If a pedestrian has not yet left sidewalk then they should not do so until signal changesIf a pedestrian has not yet left sidewalk then they should not do so until signal changes White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdown Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette White, Steady Pedestrian Silhouette/Countdown Pedestrian Sign with Steady Pedestrian Silhouette Indicates pedestrians may cross the roadway when facing the lightIndicates pedestrians may cross the roadway when facing the light Motorists must Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalkMotorists must Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk
Traffic Signs Warning Warning Guidance Guidance Regulatory Regulatory Warning Warning Guidance Guidance Regulatory Regulatory Warning Warning Warn motorists of hazards ahead that are hard to seeWarn motorists of hazards ahead that are hard to see Guidance Guidance Guide motorists to their destination by clearly identifying their routeGuide motorists to their destination by clearly identifying their route Regulatory Regulatory Regulate traffic speed and movementRegulate traffic speed and movement Each category of signs is represented by a different color and shape to communicate a certain message
TRAFFIC SIGNS COLORSHAPE# OF SIDESMESSAGE WHITEVertical Rectangle4Regulation (such as speed signs) BLUERectangle, Square4Motorists services & information BROWNRectangle4Public recreation and scenic guidance GREENRectangle4Direction guidance ORANGEDiamond4Construction & maintenance warning REDOctagon8STOP signs only REDTriangle3Yield signs only YELLOWPennant3No-passing Warning Signs YELLOWPentagon5School signs YELLOWRoundRailroad warning signs YELLOWDiamond4Roadway hazard signs
Traffic Signs Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Warning Warning Yellow, diamond-shaped, with a black symbol or word messageYellow, diamond-shaped, with a black symbol or word message Alert motorist of road conditionsAlert motorist of road conditions School crossingsSchool crossings Curved roadwaysCurved roadways Roadwork Signs Roadwork Signs Orange, diamond-shaped, with a black symbol or word messageOrange, diamond-shaped, with a black symbol or word message Indicate temporary roadway conditionsIndicate temporary roadway conditions Lane closings, lane shifts, detours, uneven pavement, temporary closed lanesLane closings, lane shifts, detours, uneven pavement, temporary closed lanes Reduced speed limits posted along orange work zone signsReduced speed limits posted along orange work zone signs
Traffic Signs Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Display destinations and routes for motoristsDisplay destinations and routes for motorists Examples pgs Examples pgs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Generally Rectangular have a white background with black border and letteringGenerally Rectangular have a white background with black border and lettering Examples:Examples: Stop Sign, Yield Sign, & Do Not Enter SignStop Sign, Yield Sign, & Do Not Enter Sign Road Markings Road Markings Have same force of law as signs and signalsHave same force of law as signs and signals Yellow center lines, dashed lines, Road arrows, edge lines, white crosswalks, white lines, etc.Yellow center lines, dashed lines, Road arrows, edge lines, white crosswalks, white lines, etc.
Traffic Signs Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Alert motorists to slow-moving vehiclesAlert motorists to slow-moving vehicles Fluorescent and reflective triangular signFluorescent and reflective triangular sign Farm and construction vehicles operating on public highwaysFarm and construction vehicles operating on public highways Rumble Stripes Rumble Stripes Small indentions or narrow raised strips on highways or on the shoulder of the roadSmall indentions or narrow raised strips on highways or on the shoulder of the road Strips vibrate the steering wheel and make noiseStrips vibrate the steering wheel and make noise Will wake up motorists or caution them of danger aheadWill wake up motorists or caution them of danger ahead They will not damage a vehicle and meant to make a motorist drive slowThey will not damage a vehicle and meant to make a motorist drive slow
Traffic Signs Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Warning Signs Warning Signs Road Work Signs Road Work Signs Guidance Signs Guidance Signs Regulatory Signs Regulatory Signs Road Markings Road Markings Special Warning Signs Special Warning Signs Rumble Strips Rumble Strips Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Roundabouts Roundabouts Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed Humps/Speed Bumps Speed hump is a longer flatter version of a speed bump which is more raisedSpeed hump is a longer flatter version of a speed bump which is more raised Speed control deviceSpeed control device Roundabouts Roundabouts A one-way circular intersection where traffic flows around a center island,A one-way circular intersection where traffic flows around a center island, Eliminates some conflict in traffic which may cause crashes at traditional intersections.Eliminates some conflict in traffic which may cause crashes at traditional intersections.