LABEI M-Kurgan secondary school №3 School scientific practical conference Created by Krasulya J., Kudelin M., Nishenko V., Butenko M. Students of 7 B form English teacher Iljina N.I.
Interview with Policeman
Remember! You must cross the street only on the street crossing. Mind the signs. Germany. Sweden. Finland. Russia, Ukraine.
Pedestrian crossing is a special region on the road with aim pedestrians can go to another part of the road. Pedestrian crossings are put on the crossing of street and where there are many people. Pedestrian crossing mean by road signs or special is marked with black and white lines. There are traffic lights on pedestrian crossings.
Pedestrians must move on the pavement or footpaths, or if there are no crossing people must go on side of the road. A group of children is permitted to go only on the pavement and footpaths. When pedestrian crossing must not stay there.
The Sign «No walking» You mustn‘t walk there because it is dangerous. «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign?
Road signs «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign? The Sign «Directions» You should turn left or right here. You musn‘t go straight ahead.
The Sign «Crossing» You can cross the road here when the light is green. «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign?
The Sign «No cycling» You mustn‘t ride a bike there because it is dangerous. «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign?
Road signs «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign? The Sign «One way road» You should go straight ahead here and mustn‘t turn left or right or turn around.
Road signs «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign? The Sign «High way» You should go by car here and mustn‘t go by bike or walk along it. The speed limit here is 110 km per hour.
The Sign «Stop» Drivers and bikers should stop before the sign and let the transport go across and then cross the road. - What should you do when you see this sign? «Road signs»
«Parking» The sign «Parking» You can park your car here. Pedestrians mustn’t go there. - What should you do when you see this sign? Road signs «Road signs»
The Sign «Bus stop» You can wait and get on a bus here. «Road signs» - What should you do when you see this sign?
If cars stop – cross the road. If glow it light, wait. If you see this light, you must stop.
If you lose the way you may ask a policeman or any grown-up. Mind prepositions – where to? up/down – Go up this street, then turn left. along – There are flowers all along the road to my grandma’s house. (a)round – The tourists walked around the Tower yesterday. trough – I hate driving through the city during the rush hour. across – My silly puppy ran across the road. at the end (of the street) – Let’s meet at the corner of our street at 8 o’clock. at the traffic lights – All the cars have stopped at the traffic lights.
-Excuse me, sir. How can I get to..? -No problem. You must go… -Thank you very much. -You are welcome. 1.Asking for help: Excuse me, could you tell me – where… is, please? - the way to…, please? – how to get to …, please? 2. If you can help and know the way: Well, … ; OK … ; No problem … ; 3. If you can’t help: No, I’m afraid I can’t; I’m afraid I don’t know.