Active Transportation in Schools Ottawa Public Health
3 Why we do it?
4 Are we DRIVING our kids to UNHEALTHY HABITS?
5 Walking and Wheeling to School Increases a child’s daily physical activity Reduces stress Improves grades at school Increases social interactions Helps reduce gas emissions around schools.
6 Overcoming Barriers Barriers to walking and wheeling to school are often linked to real or perceived safety hazards and the amount of time parents have. Schools & School Councils can take steps to increase the number of children who walk or wheel to school to benefit the overall physical and mental health of children.
7 Assessing Safety Classroom Hands-Up Survey Traffic Observation and Count Form Ottawa Public Health Active Transportation Assessment Tools.
8 Active Transportation in Ottawa Schools Many elementary and high schools have been involved in a program called Active and Safe Routes to School (A&SRTS). Some schools have created a plan to increase active transportation called School Travel Planning (STP).
9 School-Wide Events iwalk Day : A day in October to participate in active travel to and from school. Walking/Wheeling Wednesdays : One day during the week is dedicated to active travel. Winter Walk Day : A day in February to encourage winter active travel.
10 School Activities Kiss N’ Ride : Bussed students may be dropped off in a designated spot to walk the remaining distance to school. Greening-the-Tree activity: Each day, if students use active travel, they get a leaf. Walking clubs : Promotion of walking at school. AT Wheel Trivia: for youth and parents.
11 Walking School Bus
13 Community Partners Who Can Help Green Communities Canada: Consult with schools interested in creating a school travel plan Ottawa Safety Council: Pedestrian safety presentations to schools and community Registration Form: programs/in-school-presentations programs/in-school-presentations
14 Community Partners (cont’d) Ottawa Police Services: Enforcement of speed and stop signs around schools City of Ottawa By-law : ‘No Idling’ at schools, illegal parking around schools and change of speeds around schools.
15 Community Partners (cont’d) Ottawa Public Health nurses have many roles
16 You Can Make a Change! Identify safe routes to school. Parent champions can help promote AT to other parents. Create a plan with your family to look at barriers to active travel and take action on solutions. Commit to active transportation by being a role model.
17 Be Active Every Day!
18 Contact Information Ottawa Public Health Information Line or Green Communities Canada Thank you!