1 Friday Hill Tenant Management Organisation Abbreviated Annual and Financial Reports 1 st April 2006 to 31 st March 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Friday Hill Tenant Management Organisation Abbreviated Annual and Financial Reports 1 st April 2006 to 31 st March 2007

2 Opening Statement Friday Hill TMO is now in its 9 th year of trading. The TMO manages 833 tenancies, 128 Leasehold properties and 124 garages (February 2007).

3 Key Performance Indicates The TMO collected % of the rent due. The TMO dealt with 41 voids and the average turnaround time was 27 days (3.87 weeks). Of the 2800 jobs raised in the year just under 97% were completed on time.

4 Major Works 36 properties at Farthing Close was complete refurbished. (New window, roof, rewired and internally and externally painted). 25 properties received new windows, this was funded by Friday Hill TMO. Three block of flats was fitted with a controlled entry door system. Over 22 elderly or disabled residents had internal decorations carried out.

5 Achievements 2006 / % of residents are satisfied with the services the TMO provides. (questionnaire December 2006) Kite Mark for Good Governance (We are one of the first TMO’s to be awarded this Kite Mark) In partnership with Hatch Lane Ward Neighbourhood (Local Police) and several contractors we carried out a mini Beat Sweep at Boteley Close.

6 Achievements 2006 / 2007 Housing Options (Feasibility Study) further report later on in the meeting. In June ’06 the TMO started to send Satisfaction Slips to all residents who requested a repair. 39% were returned and of this over 98% were satisfied.

7 Achievements 2006 / 2007 Ascham Homes were inspected by the Audit Commission and awarded 2 stars for the service it provides. Friday Hill TMO supported 7charities during the year. If you would like the TMO to sponsor your favour charity please let the office know.

8 Community Activates Friday Hill TMO continues to work closely with Friday Hill Community Association (FHCA). FHCA arranged for a day to Clacton on Sea which over 120 people attended. A Children’s Christmas party for 40 children was held. The annual Friday Hill in Bloom competition took place.

9 Financial Report As at 31 st March 2007 Friday Hill TMO had a reserve of £233,275. This figure is £54,860 lower than 31 st March 2006 due to the installation of new windows. The TMO’s current auditors are Ashton Hart David Lee.

10 Directors Statement Friday Hill TMO is pleased with our performance for the year 2006 / 2007 and aims to continue to provide this high standard. In August 2007 Friday Hill TMO carried out it’s Test of Opinion which asked if residents were in favour of the TMO to develop a Community Based Housing Association. (Outcome of the test of opinion to follow).

11 Directors Statement Change to the way we deal with the Grounds Maintenance from April Friday Hill TMO is an activate member of the National Federation of Tenant Management Organisation and holds a seat on the executive committee.

12 Directors Statement Friday Hill Community Association (FHCA) applied and was successful for a grant to run Flower Arranging lesson via Age Concern in Waltham Forest. FHCA also planning a further trip to Clacton next year, a trip to the local theatre to see the Christmas Pantomime and Friday Hill in Bloom.