Preparing for the TSA Standards Chris Stock, Interim Head of Performance & Quality Assurance, Croydon Council Michael Hewlett, Vice Chair,Tenant & Leaseholder Panel
What does the TSA expect from us? To carryout a self assessment of your housing services (with tenants) against the TSA standards. To produce a report to tenants by 1 October Prioritise the development of your local offers with tenants by October Develop & agree your local offers with tenants by April Implement your local offers by April 2011.
What is Croydon’s approach to self assessment? Agree a project plan/timetable. Raise awareness of TSA requirements with tenants, councillors & officers. Form a tenant steering group to conduct self assessment, produce report to tenants, prioritise local offers and agree framework for tenant scrutiny. Develop a spreadsheet summarising each standard and TSA expectations. Service managers asked to populate spreadsheet with evidence on how they are meeting standard and their improvement plans for following year.
Croydon’s approach continued……. Spreadsheet to be reviewed by tenant steering group. Views of group fed back to Management Team. Revised assessment and action plan reported to Tenant & Leaseholder panel for approval. Tenant steering group to agree content & format of report to tenants. Tenant steering group to agree framework for future tenant scrutiny.
The Report to Tenants Content & format still to be agreed with tenants but…….. Likely to contain summary of our position in relation to the standards (to include views of lead member and lead tenant) Our full self assessment & improvement action plan Priorities for development of local offers. Details of tenant scrutiny activities. Details of complaints received. Full document for TSA, leading tenant reps and those who request a copy. A downloadable copy on web site. A summary in Tenants’ newsletter
Tenant Scrutiny Expand role of existing Resident Performance Monitoring Panel Resident Mystery Shoppers Resident Inspectors Estate Inspections Tenant surveys Complaints analysis Benchmarking