3700 Centerpoint Emergency Action Plan Tenant Training
Brought to you by: Kristy Despars Property Manager JL Properties, Inc.
Purpose Outline Responsibilities Evacuation brigade: - Property Manager- Tenant Floor Warden - Chief Engineer- Stairwell Monitor - Safety Coordinator - Special Assistant - Searchers
Purpose Cont. Identify and Respond Appropriately: - Volcanic Eruption - Building Evacuation - Fire - Earthquake
Duties of Evacuation Brigade Property Manager: Develop EAP Organize & Train Safety Coordinators, Tenant Floor Wardens, Chief Engineer, alternates Conduct emergency evacuation drill annually Update all submitted tenant information Chief Engineer: Be familiar with EAP Investigate source Man Fire Command Center Coordinate with Fire Department officials
Safety Coordinator Responsible for implementation of EAP Oversee evacuations, assign safety responsibilities and training Keep all information updated with Property Manager Report to PM when all tenant floors are clear, if there are persons needing special assistance holding, or anyone is missing.
Tenant Floor Wardens Direct, enforce, and have full charge of the evacuation of their floor. Be familiar with EAP Keep aisles and corridors clear Help Safety Coordinator direct evacuation of occupants Keep all safety equipment in a state of readiness. Thoroughly brief all new employees Report to Safety Coordinator when occupants in their area/floor have cleared Help Safety Coordinator train employees regularly regarding EAP
Searchers/Special Assistants/Stairwell Monitors Searchers -Ensure evacuation of personnel from remote areas within suite (storerooms, file rooms, restrooms, server rooms, etc.) report to Tenant Floor Warden Special Assistants - Ensure all persons with disabilities are evacuated and report to Tenant Floor Warden Stairwell Monitors - Ensure safe stairwell evacuation and report to Tenant Floor Warden
Individuals Needing Special Assistance Must be identified to Tenant Floor Warden, Safety Coordinator, and Property Manager. Keep all information current with Tenant Floor Wardens Wait with assistant near stairwell farthest away from emergency (fire) Enter stairwell after mainstream evacuation
Building Evacuation Procedures
Alarm is Activated Engage Emergency Action Plan Safety Coordinator, Tenant Floor Wardens, Searchers, Stairway Monitors & Special Assistants report to elevator lobby or muster station designated
Evacuation Procedure Tenant Floor Wardens assume full control of activating EAP on their assigned floor Searchers initiate immediate action Special Assistants immediately contact & assist their assigned person Stairway Monitors go to stairways - when floor is completely evacuated, close stairwell door
Evacuation Procedure (cont.) Tenant Floor Wardens ensure all individuals within tenant suite are accounted for – report to Safety Coordinator Safety Coordinator reports to Property Manager when floors are clear, or if there are any unaccounted individuals needing fire department assistance. Property Manager reports to chief engineer Chief Engineer reports to Fire Chief Security Officer to keep lobbies clear and direct people to exit areas
Fire Emergency Alarm Sound Evacuate the building immediately to your assembly area. In stairwells, keep to the right. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS When you arrive at the assembly area report to your Tenant Floor Warden Account for any visitors Let Tenant Floor Warden know if someone is missing and their last known location. Stay at evacuation assembly area
Building closure with significant ash fall. Tenant contacts notified. Critical personnel may enter provided: They appear on PM list, they remove, bag and tag all outside clothing in entryway, and utilize provided shoe coverings. Reopen when air quality reaches safe levels, and ash is remediated. Volcanic Eruption
Earthquake Remain calm Take cover near a desk/table, brace yourself in a door way, keep your head and neck protected. Move away from the building exterior. Stay away from windows, bookcases, filing cabinets and any objects that may fall or shatter. After the Earthquake Evacuate the building immediately following the Tenant Floor Wardens instruction If you deem it unsafe to leave the immediate area because of debris or fallen objects blocking exits, stay where you are and wait for emergency personnel to locate and rescue Be prepared for aftershocks.
Property Management Team or /7 3700 Centerpoint Emergency Procedures (and other pertinent building information) 911 Contact Information
Safety First!