1 Developing a Tenants Housing Scrutiny Panel: Consultation Results 10th meeting Sue Key Performance Officer – Housing, Policy & Performance, Corporate Core 4 February 2013
2 Results of Tenant Housing Scrutiny Panel Consultation (1) Consultation commenced November 2012 – closing date 31 January 2013 Survey sent out via available on-line and visits by members of the group made to Resident Associations Total responses received – 180 ( 5 on line responses and 175 forms received) Well done for getting such a good response rate – up there with the budget survey (180 responses to date) better than Local standards survey (50 responses) better than review of Resident Involvement framework (25 responses)
3 Results of Tenant Housing Scrutiny Panel Consultation (2) Responses from tenants - 10 Leaseholders out of shared owners out of Council Tenants out of 11, Did not specify 7 Home Owner 3 Resident Association Tenants 180 Responses (1.2% out of 14591)
4 Results of Tenant Housing Scrutiny Panel Consultation (2) Top line results % (176 out of 180) said “Yes” MK should have a panel of council tenants, leaseholders and shared owners 89.4% (161 out of 180) said “Yes” the panel should be fully independent and made up of only council tenants, leaseholders and shared owners 88.8% (160 out of 180) said “Yes” there should be a budget put aside to provide admin support and training
5 Results of Tenant Housing Scrutiny Panel Consultation (3) Responses to what services should be looked into - Headlines Tenants Repairs Estate Management various issues Housing Options All Housing servcies Leaseholders Better service for Leaseholders Service Charges Caretaking and cleaning Repairs Share Owners Service Charges Repairs
6 Raising awareness - next article in editorial: spring edition Tenant scrutiny set to start in the spring As you may be aware the consultation for a Milton Keynes Council tenant-led scrutiny panel has now ended. The results show that MKC tenants, leaseholders and shared ownership owners agree that residents want a Tenant Scrutiny Panel, which is an independent, financially supported team who will challenge and make recommendations on improvements to the service delivery and performance of the Milton Keynes Council Housing Service. Geoff Woolmore and Billy Skipsey, two tenants who have helped to develop the scrutiny arrangements, have been visiting local resident associations to raise awareness of the Panel. They have been very well received by all the Resident Associations and they hope that by attending these meetings they have given the residents a better understanding of what the Localism Act means regarding housing scrutiny and empowerment. The next step is for those who have completed the questionnaire showing an interest in becoming a Scrutiny Panel member to also complete an application form. Simon Aslett, the Resident Involvement Manager, will send out application forms to those who want to apply. Please contact him if you are interested in joining the Panel. Both Geoff and Billy encourage residents to complete and send the application back soon if they wish to be considered to be one of the 12 people needed to become panel members. It is the intention that the panel will stage its first meeting during April. PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TO ENCOURAGE TENANTS TO GET INVOLVED
7 Raising awareness - getting new people involved 52 application forms sent out as a result of the consultation exercise 9 application forms returned 62 further application forms still to be sent out Need to continue to get new tenants interested in getting involved. We need tenants to do this.